
Im so so so stress out i need help..?

by  |  earlier

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1st of all im the 1st to go to collage.. its really stressful because i need to show my 3bro examples.

2nd i have a **** up boyfriend which i hate he put me through alot..

3rd i hate my job.. my boss is a *****.. she stress me out..i have no good hours..

4th i need a better job idk where to look at..

im soooooo stress out i need help advice and support.. y is life so hard..




  1. Chill out !!!!!!

  2. I highly recommend a yoga class or just sitting in a dark room and breathing deeply. Then take on one thing at a time, deal with the issues that stress you out.  

  3. Stress really puts a damper on your mood, even if it is just one issue, but since you have so many, you won't feel better until the stress is gone. What you need to do, as you probably know, is change your environment until you are stress-free.

    1. College doesn't have to be a pain. You may not be looking forward to it now, but once you get there and start to meet new people, your world will begin to change. Change can be good for stress because it changes the issues around you.

    2. As for your boyfriend, if he really puts you through so much stress, tell him you need a break from him since you are going to college. There are so many good boys that you will meet at college, and you don't need a bad bf to slow you from finding someone who will truly make you happy. If/when you find someone else, you will get over your old boyfriend and can end it with him for good.

    3 & 4. Over the weekend or whenever you have free time, look around where you live or will be living and just scope out places that have more interest to you. In the paper, there are always jobs, and it never hurts to call and find out more about them. Don't take a job unless you are sure that you will enjoy it.

    You will be surprised how much better your life will be once you get rid of these things and surround yourself with good people! Best of luck!

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