
Im so stressed? help need advice?

by  |  earlier

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on friday i went to this party and 1 of the girls from my school was there but she never said hi to me, i tried to say it to her but it was if she was blind, she looked directly at me a couple of times but didnt say anything, i cant stop thinking about what happened yesterday, how do i get it out of my brain!!!!!!




  1. Aw

    well, don't worry for starters.

    She may have been ignoring you if you tried saying 'hey' to her and she was acting 'blind'

    but, she may not have heard you and might have been shy to talk to you

  2. why did she even invite you if she isnt friends with you?????? why did you even go?????

  3. the saying goes ...lifes to short to stress the small stuff...when in school, everything seems masive, but in 5 years you want even be able to remember her name, guantee it!  spend time with ppl who care and make you happy, forget the rest :)

  4. why are you bothered its her that has the attitude

  5. Just say hello to her

  6. What has happened to the both of you? Why couldn't you just say hi to her?

    I'll need more information to give you help/advice

  7. Sometimes, people are just jerks because their friends are doing it.

    Wouldn't let it get to you too much. You're going to meet people that act like that all through your life, and you just have to let it go.

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