
Im so tierd, contraxtions that are getting stronger but dont lead anywhere??

by  |  earlier

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last wednesday my doctor told me i was 1cm dilated and baby's head fully engaged and that he couldn't see me lasting 40 wks. I'm now 39wks 1day and I'm still here. i have been having braxton hicks (never regular) mainly at night although i do get some during the day. they seem to be getting stronger in strengh but they don't seem to be leading to the real thing. I'm so tierd now how long will this keep happening, walking makes them worse so i find I'm pain doin normal things. any tips? advice?? how can i hurry this along?




  1. Same thing happened to me with my daughter. I had tons of pressure, I felt like I could barely walk. And right when I was getting ready for bed the contractions got worst. I remember waking up at 6am feeling like labor was starting then out of no where it stopped. The next morning the contractions woke me up at 6am again. I gave birth an hour later :)

    Have you tried taking a warm bath to ease the pressure/pain?

    And don't push yourself. If walking is painful(it was for me), lay on your side with tons of pillows and dim the lights.

    Take care and I hope your little one arrives soon.

  2. u sound just like i was with my last baby!  1  day i woke up had the braxton hicks and though sod it im not sitting im  going to do as much as i can and see what happens...... i finally went into labour that day!

    when u walk it hurts more GREAT sign so as much as u dont like it i would try to stay active for a few hrs see if u cangive it a kick start

    it really is horrible atm but after u have ur baby ull realize it was all worth it

    goodluck x x x x

  3. I have no idea, but when you find out how to deal with it, tell me!!

    I've been dealing with the same thing since week 34, but I'm still a little earlier on, so I don't hope to go into labor just yet.

    I have constant contractions, that just lead nowhere. I'm not at all dilated, the baby hasn't even dropped!

    So look on the bright side, at least your that one step closer, I could be dealing with this for the next 5 weeks, until they allow medical induction here!

  4. I hate to even say it like this but that is one of the things we have to go through.  In the end trust me it is worth it...even though it is miserable while you are going through it.

    Have you checked out babycenter? There is lots of great tips in the message boards on there on how to speed up a labor. Of course none of them are guaranteed but one of them might help you.

    Youre almost to the end. Youve almost made it and soon you will be holding your little angel!!!

    You can do this!!!

    Take a nice long bath and relax with a book (my last pregnancy was sooooooo miserable the entire time that I lived in the bathtub with a book...a couple of my books didnt make it out of it very well LOL...but it was the only place I was somewhat comfortable especially towards the end)

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