
Im so ugly people tell me i am?

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i was born with a severe facial deformity, and a curvature of the spine which is called scoliosis. in the past year ive had 10 operations to fix them and i dont look much better. im not feeling sorry for myself . its just everywhere i go i get rude and nasty comments thrown at me. any advice.




  1. aww poor thing

    dont listen to what people tell you

    someone out there will think you are absolutely beautiful on the outside &&nd ind\side

    okayy hunn

    if you think your preetty nothing else matter

    hope i helped



    my brother has somehting to sayy

    hey dont let nobody tell u nada

    be ure self,love ure self

    if ppl stare at u .dnt evn act lik someone lookin at u

    u are bueatiful  just the way u are..

  2. Its rude to make comments about peoples appearance that are of that nature. I guess unfortunitely people will always ask about your appearance out of curiosity but rudeness and nastiness is not right. True friends and the people who care for you should not make nasty remarks so I take it your refering to strangers and people in the street. If people who are supposed to be your friends do make nasty remarks my advice would be don't bother with that person as there not a real friend.

  3. well, just stop caring. if people want to be mean, let them since its their own negativve energy to create in their life. Also, u can join onlin support groups and chaat with others who have similar problems and see how they deal. Just love yourself for the amazing person you are.  

  4. Don't listen to those nasty comments! You might have a special talent you soar in that would blow them out of the water. Plus, they are only taking their self-pity on themselves out on you. They are sad with their own lives they feel better by making fun of you! Trust me. i know! Ignore the comments! Good luck!

  5. I'm very sorry to hear that people don't get to know YOU before judging and hurting someone. Beauty is only one part of a person, and most certainly not the most important. Beauty can leave you at any time. I hope those people who do/did that to you, learn what it feels like to be stared at and how that makes someone feel.

    My best advice to you is to tell you that god made you that way for a reason, you are individual and beautiful. A true good kind heart is better than beauty any day. And the people who stare and judge are not worth your time. Just ignore them and be happy with who you are.

  6. Ugly people would say a thing like this, ugly inside and no doubt in some it shows on the outside. It's completely in the eye of the beholder, for example Kelly Pesticcio (Miss World) has this condition, and no one thinks she is ugly. It's more about people trying to get a response from you, not genuinely thinking it's true. Mean people try and swing at the thing that they think is most likely your worst insecurity. If you can find a way of viewing yourself independently of these bullies views, then it won't be something that gets to you. Just because they say it, doesn't make it true to everyone who sees you.

    It isn't the same but I was obese and everywhere I went people said horrible things to me. I didn't lose all the weight and am still overweight, but nobody says it since I had counselling and learned to behave more confidently.  


    It is what that it is inside that counts! Don't bother about the appearance!

    God gave you two ears.

    If you hear a bad stuff, take in through you right ear. Push it to your brain. Do some washing and cleaning! Then throw it through the left ear.

    If you hear a good stuff, you know what to do!

  8. just because you on the outside have a deformity (ugliness) that most people have on the inside, doesn't give them right to judge you, and especially to actually say it to your face!

    in fact, you should be the one laughing at them! look at all the incredibly dumb things they do, like drinking and doin drugs and all the ridiculous clothes they wear that they actually hate just to fit in, listen to music they don't like etc. etc. the list goes on forever!

    you're a lot smarter, wiser and generally a better person then them! don't let it get you down, the shallow b******s aren't worth it, trust me! and with the fast progress in medicine, i'm sure they'll come up with something to help you soon enough. just hold your head up high no matter what!

    remember, you have something that very few people now days have, you are a good person, you're beautiful on the inside, and that's something that, unlike beauty, doesn't fade!!!

    so long as you don't give up and stop trying, sky is the limit!!!

    hold on. wish you all the best.


  9. People who make fun of other people's looks are the lowest, nastiest, disrespectful idiots ever to walk this planet. They are so ignorant they are unable to put themselves into someone elses shoes - complete lack of empathy, and do not think of how their stupid little comments can hurt someones feelings. They are unable to think about what it would be like for them or what they would feel if one of their family members had such a disability. The next time somebody says something about your appearance, say something twice as nasty back about their personality and attitude. Because i'd rather look different than be and act like a complete a**hole. I think you should be very proud of the obstacles you've had to come through to get where you are today. I work with physically disabled people and they are the lovliest people I've ever met and trully inspiring how they deal with everyday life. I look up to people like you and you should look down on those who are too ignorant to look beyond their own noses.

  10. Ignore them, my brother was born with a severe tumor on top of his left eye and when they removed him he was left half blind.  And when people make fun of him and I'm the witness I tell them to **** off why would them be making fun of someone who is in a way disabled? Who ever makes fun of you just give them the finger or tell them You like the way you look!

    Good luck :]

  11. just ignore what people tell you. some people say i am ugly(i look like aj michalka with vanessa hudgens smile) but i just ignore them, and move on with my life. people who give you those mean and nasty comments are just jealous cause they know your life is alot better then theirs.


  12. Unfortunately, human nature can be cruel. People see something "different" and they automatically consider it bad. There's nothing you can do about people's reactions but you can work on your own. I can't imagine how bad it feels when people say these things to you, but you have to try to ignore it. You are who you are and the way you look on the outside has absolutely nothing to do with who you are on the inside. Be confident, look for friends who can get past your appearence, and like you for your personality. There are some people who really don't care what you look like, I guarentee it. Just try to surround yourself with positive people and block out everyone else.

  13. You don't sound ugly to me. You sound different, and a lot of people are scared of that because they don't understand it properly.

    Offer to answer questions about your conditions, to help people understand more, and to let them know that they are no better than you are.

    You dont deserve the treatment you are getting, and you need to remind yourself of that

    You are beautiful, ok? =]

  14. Honey, if you told them what you've been going through and they still throw that c**p at you...they are just jerks and you should just ignore them. Like you had the choice of how you looked? I don't think so....People who do stuff like this makes me angry. Just stand up for yourself. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF ANYWAY. They should be ashamed of themselves for saying stuff like that.  

  15. Forget people!

    The beauty is in the eye of the beholder and im sure that theres a lot more people who think your more beautiful then you think you are or those nasty people.

    people can be sooo mean.

    i think that you should NOT listen to them because EVERYONE is beautiful, and they just say those things to be mean cuz they think their better,

    but their just b*****s.

    Keep your head up!


  16. i have scoliosis too!  i've had 2 surgeries, and a lot of scars to show for it, it gets me down a lot of the time, my clothes don't fit me the way they're suppose to, but i'm grateful because things could've been a lot worse.  i'm sure you're beautiful, just be happy you're breathing.  

  17. Just pray that God reveals to you the depths of his love for you. He created you that way and he thinks you are beautiful, a work of art. Life is a miracle. I understand your pain, been there. You really can't change what other people say, but you can ask God to heal your heart so that you don't internalize those words. Instead, focus on the positive things about yourself when dealing with others. In the words of Zoolander, there is more to life than being really, really, really good-looking.  

  18. This little quote has done more for my peace of mind than any I have seen in years.I hope it helps yours.

    “And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.  When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation-some fact of my life-unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.  Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God’s world by mistake.  Unless I accept life completely on life’s terms, I cannot be happy.  I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.”

    Please read it again, and again.  It will help if you want it.

  19. Just know that all those people that are throwing rude nasty comments to you are probably somewhat unhappy with something in their own lives so they feel the need to take it out on you. Your problem just happens to be visible - theirs are not. I know it's hard to ignore nasty looks and comments but you need to try your best. It's a cruel world and those people probably aren't going to stop, so you just need to keep your chin up and do your best to ignore them! Good Luck!

  20. take no notice - cant believe people can be soooo rude!

    They need to look in the mirror - actually thats probably the problem - theyr soo insecure about themselves they have to put down others to make them feel better - think you need a good comeback for these situations i will try and think of one.

    Can any one think of one?

  21. Just ignore them! My sister was born with a birth facial deformity as well and as a child people made fun of her, but then she finally she realized that she could not stop people from being jerks and so she started ignoring them! If you just ignore their mean comments trust me you will be a very happy person!

  22. you know life is only what u make of it so don't let people throw u done because of ur looks u'll get prettier.  Ur actions and personality makes u pretty.  So don't worry about guys not liking u if the only see u for u looks their not worth ur time.  i hope this helps u good luck!!:)


    I really have taught myself to stop caring what people think and live my life being happy! If you waste your time thinking you are ugly and hating yourself you are really going to regret it in the end so just stop caring what people think. People shouldn't judge you on the way you look anyway. I have scoliosis too and even though it isn't noticable if you look at me my back is constantly killing me so I just smile and live my life to the fullest!

  24. I agree with Rowan.

    Something I realize is that beauty is only skin deep. There a lots of 'beautiful' women..that I don't fancy. A lot of them are terrible people.

    I think facial deformity and ugliness are 2 different things. Facial ugliness (not deformity) is actually personality-based. Thus, an evil person has evil features. A miserable person has miserable features, etc.

    Facial deformity can result after an accident or by birth. It can be treated to an extent.

    I sometimes see a girl in a local bar. she is deformed facially. She is fit, has nice hair. Her face is 'ok'. Her nose area is affects her voice/speech. I would 'go' with her for s*x...discretely, I guess. However, I worry that she'd be lonely and get emotional if I tried to leave her!

    Society makes it difficult for people with deformity. Also, it's difficult for people with deformity to get, if I was to date a facially deformed person, would it mean I was 'desperate'..? those kind of questions.

    However, to be teased and insulted is OUT OF ORDER. These are sad people doing that. Don't feel sorry for yourself, though. It's not 'their' problem. It's yours - and you've gotta deal with it. Either you curl up into a ball of self-pity. OR you say 'Hey - F**CK it! I'm gonna live.'

    You only get one life. again....keep going.

    Make sure you carry a smile in your soul, in your heart and in your mind. This will radiate through your voice, your words and your tone. It will also twinkle in your eyes. you will find comfort, and you will love and be loved.


  25. Just don't listen to them! Its not your fault that you were born like that i know it sounds cheesy but personality is what makes people ugly or beautiful in my opinion. The right people will be friends with you/boyfriends with you because of your personality its just being able to find them =)

  26. if it was the way you were born, there is nothing that can be helped and if i were you i wouldn't want to be in the hospital all the time doing surgeries. those people are wrong to be saying that about you. God made you that way for a reason and everybody is beautiful in their own way. don't let people get to you and be strong through it all.

  27. List down atleast ten things you like about yourself you know stuff like nice eyes... and whenever someone tells you something bad look at that list and assure yourself that you are special. This world is not fair and even though people say that good people finish last, I think sometimes good people never finish at all. At the end of the day we all tend to take the things that are negative about us more seriously and forget the little positive things that make us, us. I'm the only black guy at my school and I get teased by everyone not about my race but about many other things. people tell me go back to Africa and stuff like that but I always feel special because I'm yhe smartest person in the whole school and I love my hair and my nose. hope this helps

  28. Ignore those people. Try to brush them off. I know it's hard....but some people out there are just flat out nasty. And anyone who would make a rude comment to someone else-- especially about one's appearance in regards to birth deformities, is NOT someone worth your time. I'm so so sorry to hear that people are saying such things.

    Just try to look within and know that you are a good person. You're already 10 times stronger than those people, having to deal with all of the operations for your scoliosis. If they had any heart-- they would put themselves in your shoes and see how they would like it if people called them names....These people are shallow and immature.

    I'm not sure how old you are, but kids are mean in middle and high school. Just try to surround yourself with people that appreciate you-- people that like you for who you are. I'm sure you are a beautiful person...and you don't deserve to hear such nasty things from others. Unfortunately, some people are just heartless. Be strong and try not to let them get you down, hun. They aren't worth it.

  29. u should be who u r and don't let anyone tell u that ur ugly if its out of school slap the fool!! if its in school u curse him/she out don't take that just because ur 'different' it doesn't matter wat anyone else thinks!! either that or say something mean back about their momma or something. i got told i was ugly to and who ever said that out of school either got a broken nose or went off crying. so don't take that there is always plastic surgery but its like way expensive and i like myself the way i am!

  30. I'm sure that is hard to deal with, can't even imagine how that makes you feel. You should look to God to help your through, and believe he is in control. Pray about your situation to him, and ask him to comfort everyday. There is reason for everything in life. Just continue being the beautiful person you are, and people will love you for that. God Bless, and I'll pray for you as well.

  31. those people who are nasty to you are the ugly people.they are ignorant and judgmental.just ignore them.the more you pay attention to those losers the more they're gonna aggravate didnt ask for your physical appearance and people will like you for who you are not for what you look like-and those are the people you would call friends.

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