
Im sooo board?

by Guest32802  |  earlier

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its 21:51 and i av nothin 2 do, gt any ideas lol




  1. Exercise!!!

  2. u could call me im bored at that time to

  3. Read the dictionary.  Esp. the B's.  You'd learn that "board" is a noun, while "bored" is a verb.  The "a" switched out for the "e" makes a big difference!!!  :-P

  4. • Blow bubbles with bubble gum

    • Blow on a beer bottle

    • Blow on a blade of grass

    • Crank up some music

    • Cut out photos and paste them on Popsicle sticks and have a puppet show

    • Eat

    • Eat 6 spoon full of sugar, a soda, and another think that makes you hyper and then you won't be bored anymore, you will end up finding something to do... trust us

    • Experiment with makeup

    • Get a bubble blower and then blow some

    • Get a tootsie pop and see how many licks it takes to get to the center of the tootsie pop

    • Laugh out loud

    • Learn how to fake an accent

    • Make a humorous crank phone call

    • Make an entertaining phone answering-machine message

    • Make up poems or songs about your boredom

    • Nap

    • Play cards

    • Play Dead

    • Play house with yourself

    • Play with marbles

    • Pop zits and blackheads, clean lint out of belly button, q-tips, and find those hidden treasures of the nose

    • Practice your arm pit farting skills (Advanced participants try with your hand cupped on the back of your knee)

    • Pretend that you are not bored

    • Read some comic books

    • See how long you can hold your breath

    • Send a tune with keypad numbers on the phone

    • Sing even if you can't

    • Spin until you're dizzy

    • Stand on your head

    • Stare at the ceiling and try to make something out of the dots

    • Write your name in permanent marker on all your underwear

    • Break into a friend's house and clean it

    Call a wrong number and talk to whoever answers.

    • Catch a fly, then put in a jar and stick in the fridge (this cools their metabolism down), then tie the fly to the end of a thread 15in. and hold the other end of the thread while you watch it fly around (We have tested this and it works - a lot of patience is involved)

    • Chase your best friend round the sofa

    • Dance around your living room naked

    • Doodle or cartoon

    • Dress in something silly and laugh at yourself

    • Fiddle around with a Ouija board

    • Figure out how to get yourself on TV

    • Find an address to your favorite famous person and write them a letter. See if they write you back

    • Flip a coin 500 times to see who wins

    • Get on the radio

    • Give names to your body parts

    • Go shop for a really cool book

    • Go through the English dictionary looking up really long words like discombobulated.

    • Have a carpet picnic

    • Have a staring contest with yourself in the mirror.

    • Kiss your elbow, if you can.

    • Lay a long straight line of masking tape on the floor. Now spin around really fast then try walking on the masking tape.

    • Learn a new word in the dictionary

    • Learn to Juggle

    • Learn to peel a banana with your feet

    • Let a helium balloon float up to your ceiling and throw things at it to pop it

    • Listen to a type of music that you don't normally listen to

    • Listen to really hard music and head bang

    • Listen to some polka music and eat sausages

    • Make a list of the fun things you've already done, then admire how long your list is.

    • Make a trash can a basketball hoop and throw crumpled up paper for baskets

    • Patch some clothing

    • Phone your local government rep and see if you can convince him or her to have lunch with you

    • Plan a journey

    • Play bottle cap hockey...with pens as the sticks and a bottle cap as the puck

    • Play dress-up with all the clothes you have in your closet

    • Pronounce your friends names.backwards

    • Put doll clothes on your cat and play dress up

    • Rent a movie, 2 hours later go back to the same movie store and rent the sequel, 2 hours after that go back and get the third movie

    • Rent some fun movies

    • Roll your change

    • Run around your house as fast as you can and, count how many times you can go without getting tired.

    • Shave your head

    • Sit at your desk with your left arm sticking out until it goes numb

    • Snap your fingers as if suddenly you have a bright idea and see if you get any

    • Take a company that has been getting on your nerves - find out who the person is that you should write complaints too. Write a letter to them with the most trivial or confusing complaint. Ensure you talk in circles so that the letter is well written but extremely confusing

    • Take one hundred dollars out of the bank and spend it all on yourself

    • Throw a huge party for no reason at all

    • Turn on the T.V., put it on mute and make up dialogue

    • Washable crayons are a wonderful invention. Pick a wall and invite friends

    • Watch 101 Dalmatians and see if they really show 101 Dalmatians

    • Watch a foreign film

    • Watch cartoons (preferably funny stupid ones)

    • Write a big list of fun things to do

    • Write a limerick or twelve

    • Write a rant letter to the paper

    • Write out ten things that make you happy - then do one of them

    • You and a friend pick your noses and see who has the biggest boogers

    • Bring dog treats to the park and meet 25 new dogs

    • Burn things with a magnifying glass

    • Buy the craziest, most comfortable slippers you can find

    • Climb a tree

    • Find some crutches and pretend to have a broken leg

    • Flip some coins into a fountain

    • Flirt with people

    • Go dumpster diving and see what you can find

    • Go out and get your motorcycle license

    • Go to a candy store and buy a ton of candy. Eat all day

    • Go to the 24 hr grocery at 1 a.m.

    • Have an egg toss

    • Make a rope swing

    • Make faces at strangers to make them laugh

    • Play Frisbee

    • Play knicky knicky nine doors leaving freaky anonymous notes behind

    • Put bunny ears on people you don't know (the two finger kind you know, like a peace sign)

    • Skip rope

    • Take your TV outside

    • Try to stay up for 24 hours

    • Volunteer for a charity

    • Walk around a public park, every so often pretend to trip on a 'invisible' wire.

    • Watch kids play - and then join in

    - Wax the ceiling

    - Rearrange political campaign signs

    - Sharpen your teeth

    - Play Houdini with one of your siblings

    - Braid your dog's hair

    - Clean and polish your belly button

    - Water your dog...see if he grows

    - Wash a tree

    - Knight yourself

    - Name your child Edsel

    - Scare Stephen King

    - Give your cat a mohawk

    - Purr

    - Mow your carpet

    - Play Pat Boone records backwards

    - Vacuum your lawn

    - Sleep on a bed of nails

    - DON'T toss and turn

    - Boil ice cream

    - Run around in squares

    - Think of quadruple entendres

    - Speak in acronyms

    - Have your pillow X-rayed

    - Drink straight shots...of water

    - Calmly have a nervous breakdown

    - Give your goldfish a perm

    - Fly a brick

    - Play tag...on West 35th Street

    - Exorcise a ghost

    - Exercise a ghost

    - Be blue

    - Be red

    - But don't be orange

    - Plant a shoe

    - Sweat

    - Give a Rorschach test to your gerbil

    - Turn

    - Write a letter to Plato

    - Mail it

    - Take your sofa for a walk

    - Start

    - Stop

    - Dial 911 and breathe heavily

    - Go to a funeral...tell jokes

    - Play the piano...with mittens on

    - Scheme

    - Sit

    - Stay

    - Water your family room

    - Cause a power failure

    - Roll over

    - Play dead

    - Find a witch

    - Burn her

    - Donate your brother's body to science

    - Ask why

    - Wriggle

    - Regress

    - Sleepwalk without sleeping

    - Try to join h**l's Angels by mail

    - Wonder

    - Be a square root

    - Ask stupid questions

    - Weld your car doors shut

    - Spew

    - Vacation at Three-Mile Island

    - Surf Ohio

    - Teach your pet rock to play dead

    - Go bowling for small game

    - Be a monk...for a day

    - Wear a sweatband to your wedding

    - Staple

    - Run away

    - Intimidate a piece of chalk

    - Abuse the plumbing

    - Bend a florescent light

    - Bend a brick

    - Annoy total strangers

    - Let the best man win

    - Believe in Santa Claus

    - Throw marshmallows against the wall

    - Hold an ice cube as long as possible

    - Adopt strange mannerisms

    - Blow up a balloon until it pops

    - Sing soft and sweet and clear

    - Sing loud and sour and gravely

    - Open everything

    - Balance a pencil on your nose

    - Pour milk in your shoes

    - Write graffiti under the rug

    - Embarrass yourself

    - Grind your teeth

    - Chew ice

    - Count your belly button

    - Sit in a row

    - Stack crumbs

    - Gesture

    - Save your toenail clippings

    - Make a pass at your blender

    - Punt

    - Make up words that start with X

    - Make oatmeal in the bathtub

    - Search for the Lost Chord

    - Chew on a sofa cushion

    - Sing a duet

    - Balance a pillow on your head

    - Hold your breath

    - Faint

    - Stretch

    - Flash your mailman

    - Teach your TA English

    - Learn to speak Farsi

    - Swear in Russian

    - Use an eraser until it goes away

    - Disassemble your car

    - Put it together inside out

    - Record your walls

    - Interview your feet

    - Make a list of your favorite fungi

    - Sell formaldehyde

    - Repeat

    - Ad lib

    - Fade

    - File your teeth - Whine

    - Rake your carpet

    - Re-elect Richard Nixon

    - Critique "Three's Company"

    - Listen to a painting

    - Play with matches

    - Buff your cat

    - Race ferrets

    - Paint your house...Day-Glow Orange

    - Have a formal dinner at White Castle

    - Read Homer in the original Greek

    - Learn Greek

    - Change your mind

    - Change it back

    - Watch the sun...see if it moves

    - Build a pyramid

    - Stand on your head

    - Stand on someone else's head

    - Spit shine your Nikes

    - See how long you can stay awake

    - See how long you can sleep

    - Paint your teeth

    - Wear a salad

    - Speak with a forked tongue

    - Paint stripes on a lake

    - Ski Kansas

    - Sleep in freefall

    - Kill a Joule

    - Test thin ice...with a pogo stick

    - Apply for a unicorn hunting license

    - Do a good job

    - Crawl

    - Invite the Mansons over for dinner

    - Paint your windows

    - Watch a watch until it stops

    - Flash your goldfish

    - Paint

    - Flirt with an evergreen

    - Smile

    - Rotate your garden...daily

    - Paint a smile

  5. Well, as long as you're not bored.  Then you'd have a problem. (besides bad spelling, that is)

  6. make a collage

  7. you can sleep, watch horror movies or comedy movies. You can play games on the Internet.
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