
Im sort of al ittle bit scared of what will happen on dec 12 2012?

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i herad that it will be the end of the world, i also heard that there will be numerous earthquakes etc. care to explain?




  1. I was scared of Y2K, but all my computer did was reset to 1984.

    I was scared of SKYLAB falling, but we survived.

  2. well be living a normal day

  3. You should be no more scared about De 12, 2012 than you are about tomorrow. Remember, tomorrow never comes!

  4. Who knows?   It might be 2012.  It might not.  Don't be too concerned with the date itself.  The bible has been 100 percent accurate so far in history, and it describes how the end of this world will take place.  The end of the world isn't going to happen outside of how God says it's going to happen.  ;)  The real question to ask is are you ready for the end?  It might be 2000 years from now, or in 2012, or it might be tomorrow.  

    Are you ready to stand before God (seriously)?  The bible says that nobody can earn their way to Heaven.  It says that we will all fall short of God's perfect standard.  Ever lie?  Steal anything?  Disobey your parents?  Jesus said that if you look with lust at someone, you've already committed adultery with them in your heart.  He also said that if you've ever hated anyone, that's the same as murder in your heart.  God is concerned with the intents of our hearts, not just our actions.  

    The bible says that even liars will have their part in the lake of fire.  And telling God, "but I did lots of good things, too..." won't help.  That's like someone standing before a judge and saying, "judge, I know I'm guilty, but I've done good things, too."  The judge would say it doesn't matter, you still have to pay for your crimes.  Only a corrupt judge would just let you go free.  And God is FAR more just than any earthly judge.

    But there is good news....

    Everyone knows that "Jesus died on the cross for your sins," but what actually happened was a legal transaction.  You broke God's laws, and Jesus paid your fine.  You stand guilty before God, and Jesus stepped in and took your place.  Because your fine was paid, God can legally allow you in to Heaven.

    What you must do to receive this give is simple.... repent of your sin against God (apologize and TURN from sinning), and trust Jesus to have paid for your sin completely.  And trusting is not the same as just believing in Him.  You believe that an elevator goes to the top of the building, but you TRUST it when you get on.  You put your faith into it.  

    Repent and trust, it's that simple.  That way you can go to heaven not because you're a good person, but because you've been forgiven by a loving God.  And THEN you will be ready for the end, whether its 2012 or tomorrow or in 2000 years.

    Sorry this got kind of long, but it's really important stuff to think about and deal with!  ;)

  5. Rest your nerves.....the end of the world is not happening any time soon...especially in 2012.

    Short of a major impact..which is very unlikely.....the Earth will be around for many billions of years yet.

    Don't give in to the garbage that is passed off as doomsday in's just not happening.

  6. Absolutely nothing will happen. End of the world scares are the work of frauds and charalatans out to make money by selling their books and TV shows to the more gullible members of the public. None of the nonsense they spout stands up to the least degree of scientific examination. Don't be one of the gullible ones.

  7. It is all false stories. Only people who consult horoscopes believe this stuff. No real scientist thinks anything different will happen in December of 2012.

  8. If it is of any help there will be nothing you can do about it if it does happen. There is only one positive (if you can call it that) result that can be said of such a terrible event & that is we had no choice in the outcome. Not a nice way to look at this but if we had a choice & made the wrong one, than at least we could only blame ourselves !

  9. Apparently Y2k had lots of problems with computers, but to reassure people that nothing happened allot of companies really kept quiet about it, until it was fixed..but there wasn't going to be the end of the world then.

    2012 Nibiru is clearly you tube propaganda! These people create documentaries and so on so get your attention, I watch ALL OF THEM-- i got spooked out for a while, but what calender are we on? i solar? i don't remember its not going to match up anyways

    The earth changes, plagues happen, this world controls itself naturally, shifts in the  plates and so on,

    If you are scared? then be prepared

  10. It's only a superstition. It's what people can believe but sometimes not prove.

  11. ya i heard about that mayan stuff. and they were pretty accurate cause they predicted solar eclipses and stuff to the minute hundreds of years in advance! nothing to be scared of tho. we would all be dead so it really wouldnt matter!

  12. explain what?

    the sun will rise that morning. it will set that evening.

    anything else is nonsense, a cruel and cynical hoax. you should know better.

  13. Yes.  I would be concerned if I were you.

    I understand all the ignorant airheads will vanish in a puff of smoke.

  14. The Mayans couldn't even predict that their civilization would fall to the Conquistadors, who they expected to bring peace and prosperity for their civilization, not enslave them for Spanish peace and prosperity. Even the Mayan scholars have a hard time believing 2012. If your going to follow pagan religions, believe in one that actually had a successful civilization until the religion converted to Christianity, like Roman Mythology or the Norse Pantheon, not a religion that involved sacrificing the people who could have defeated the Spanish for a longer lasting fire (burn some stupid sticks you blockheads!!)

    Read this for a brief history of doomsday, and how everyone will believe a lie if it is said as a joke by someone influential, has the loosest ties possible (but it is still mentioned in a so called "documentary"), or it is said in Hollywood.

  15. You heard wrong. There's so much else to worry about, choose something a bit more certain such as the end of America.

  16. That is utterly ridiculous.  Total rubbish.  People are always predicting the has never happened yet!

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