
Im starting 8th grade????

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im starting 8th grade this actually suppose to be in 9th but the way my birthday is im going into 8th.......i go to a private school soo of coarse its full of snobey rich kids.....soooo u have any advice??




  1. Just be nice and talk to them and once you get to know them they may not be that s****..

  2. Go with an open mind..people who act that way are usually more insecure than you might think.  Get involved in activities that might interest you (ex: yearbook, dance, etc) and you will find other people with the same interests you have and be more likely to make a new friend.

    Good luck!

  3. just keep your cool.

    don't try and act like them.

    be yourself.

    it'll get you farther than acting how they want you to act. :)

  4. well i just finish 8th grade so I'm going to the 9th grade im supposed to be in 8th grade becuse of my birthday to but my parents somehow worked it out so yeh im 13 in high school i used to go to private school but i transferred to public i suggest to be ur self like dont act like u know everyone and everything and most of the students aren't snobs they just act like that so dont actully judg them before u know them from what i been through private schools are strict and u have to work hard so try not to fall behind in class youll never catch up good luck!

  5. If they are a******s then **** them up.

    I hate preppy rich kidz ~_^

  6. i  go to a private school to but i'm in 5th grade but stick with the nicest person but i made a friend with this one girl but she made me not hang with the others so thats my adve so becareful

    - GOOD Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Yes, chat on line with my son who is old enough to be in 9th grade but started kindergarten when he was 6 because he had a summer birthday.  He just turned 14 in July.  His name is very close to yours, Taran.

  8. Just act a little more mature than you did in 7th grade. The end.

  9. Not all private schools are s****. rich kids. I go to one and if you make the right friends they are fine...everyone is nice. Just try not to pretend your someone your not. I tried something like that in grade 8 and it all caught up to me. In a private school gossip happens so dont spread anything or lie about your life. Goodluck:) Don't worry grade 8 is amazing

  10. do better in school....DONT DO DRUGS?

  11. focus on school and it will pay off later on. Just be yourself though i went into the 8th grade today and just put on my style clothes and no one said anything so just feel confident

  12. not be shy , don't let some thing like what people say about you

    get you down .

  13. youd be suprise some of them might be nice :) find the good in people. im not rich and go to a public school but i can tell you that all you gotta do is  talk alot and to a lot of people. try to keep up on your grades too btw.

    8th grade is  a lot of student's best year so make it happen ! :D

  14. lucky. i would do anything to go to a private school! i love the school girl uniforms! haha.

  15. It doesn't matter what kind of people there are. You'll change, its obvious, just don't give in to peer pressure. trust me, YOU WILL CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. It's pretty much the same as 6th and 7th....not really much advice to give on it.

  17. yeah.

    common sense.

    do homework

    stay away from trouble


  18. The best advise i can give you is to just focuss on being your self, That will get you far. and for the rich kids well i am sure they all get up in the morning and put on their pants the same way you do! so they are no better than you, nor are they better than them.  

  19. i think that's a stereotype. the private schools in my area are full of kids who smoke pot with the professors or are super religious.

    and all you can do is be nice. i mean, it's not going to kill you. and i'm sure there is at least ONE person there who is not that way...

  20. prentent yyou are a s****. rich kid and maybe they will like you



  21. Don't be worried its only 8th grade it is probably the funnest grade so just enjoy it :)  

  22. you just have to hang out with different people until u find the ones u feel the most comfortable around and like the most.

    there will probs be fights, and all that, but by year 9 u will hopefully be settled into a group and everything will be good:)

    just be confident, but after school do different classes to meet heaps of different people.

    hope i helped=)

  23. Aren't you a "Snobey Rich Kid?" Don't judge people before you know them, It's not right.

  24. Be yourself. Focus on school. Enjoy every minute of it, it goes by soo fast.

  25. 1. be confident, if you walk into school being scared then the kids will walk all over you

    2. dont be too quiet or too loud. you dont want the other kids to get a bad impression

    3. wear something nice and look your best

    4. dont lie and say that your one of them if your not. it will only get worse from there

    5. enjoy 8th grade cause believe me it goes by REALLY fast. im a senior in highschool and i remember being in that same position.

    ;] hope i helped


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