
Im starting a Carbon credit sales company. any takers?

by  |  earlier

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I have no scientific training or advanced degree's but i have been interviewed on the local news Does this make me an eviromental expert?




  1. You're not government so you actually don't have anything to sell.

  2. I'd be interested in a partnership.  I'd prefer concentrating on the Methane gas side of the problem though.  We can set up an exchange rate (CO2 for Methane) and I'll just kill some cows to prove the methane savings.

    You can send me some of the other people's CO2 "credit" money & I'll ship you some steaks at a cheap rate.  Both of us will make out like.... Al Gore.

  3. Good luck, you'll need it!

    You don't know anything about this field.  As far as being interviewed on the local news, how on earth do you think that makes you an expert?  All I can see is you got some free exposure because they thought your idea was a little unusual.  Such interviews are usually to simply fill in blank space in the media, commongly referred to as "filler."  Certainly not any qualification to be an "expert."

    Where do you think you are going to get these carbon credits to sell?  You have to deal with companies who have a stockpile of credits.  A reputable company in such a condition would certainly not trade / sell their credits to someone with your background.

    As I said, good luck!

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