
Im starting a yoga class tomorrow, if i stick at it will it make me lose weight & feel better about myself?

by Guest64115  |  earlier

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Im starting a yoga class tomorrow, if i stick at it will it make me lose weight & feel better about myself?




  1. chances are more than fifty fifty

  2. it will make you feel good about yourself cuz your doing something positive but i dont know about losing weight. you should try a yoga/pilates class to help with weight loss.

  3. Yoga won't contribute to any "drastic" weight loss. It simply won't burn enough calories or fat. Try to incorporate any cardiovascular exercises (ie.: jogging). Not only will it strengthen your heart and lungs, you will loose weight as well!!

    Good luck/enjoy! =]

  4. one word -YES!!!!


  5. yoga can be a very powerful tool, but even within Hatha yoga (which is what we refer to as 'yoga' in the states) there are so many different techniques that it's hard to generalize.  Certain asanas will help, others won't help much.  A good teacher will focus on what you need and what will help you.

    There are even different branches that vary in their approach - losing weight would be quicker in Ashtanga yoga, for example.

  6. If you really stick to it you will find yourself at the top of the world!  

  7. Losing weight depends on you burning more calories than you eat.  Just exercising alone won't do it if you also increase your consumption.  But all other things being equal, it should help you lose weight.

    As to making you feel better about yourself, that is more complicated.  Are you only down on yourself because you are overweight?  If so, then it should.  If there are other underlying issues then it may not.  For that, it may be better to seek counseling.

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