
Im starting high school and im really nervous?

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Hi im really nervous about starting high school.1.because im really really short. afraid people are going to pick on me. 3.I dont know were anything is and im afraid im going to get lost. PLease help me.




  1. Well, that's normal and try not to have an axiety attack. Usually, there's maps they give you and there's usually orientation before school begins so you can get acquainted on where your locker is and the classes. don't ask anyone where something is b/c they'll send you on a wild goose chase. Especially the older kids they like to do that with the freshman. Go to the main office and have them help you. High School is nerve wrecking. If you act like you know where you're going and don't let the insults get to you to the point of crying then things will get better. It's very overwhelming I know been there done that many years ago. Before too long you'll meet some new friends that you share classes with and things will eventually calm down a little bit. If they pick on you to the point of bullying then I'd make sure to report it. I'd try and go to the bathroom with someone and not by yourself. People can be very cruel and others can be very helpful. You're with older kids now so, you're going to run into all sorts of experiences just have to take it one day at a time. They'll test you and push your buttons and they can smell fear and insecurity from a mile away. Don't take no c**p off anyone. Tell them to grow up and get a life! people that get involved in others life don't have one of their own so, that's why they have to concern themselves with others. they're actually losers. Bully's tend to have been bullyed themselves. That's all they know. sometimes kids do stupid, mean stuff to fit in. They think it makes them cool. Stand your ground and don't be a victim be a survior! mind over matter. YOU have to get thick skinned b/c some can be brutal others are ok. I got along with just about everybody. I didn't belong to any cliques. I made a point not to. I tried to get along with everybody. Man, I'm just trying to make it through the day quit bugging me you stupid attention seeker. you'll come up with your own sarcastic saying eventually. I had friends that were somewhat popular, geeks, nerdy, jocks, pot heads, and average just like me.

  2. 1. Dont worry. Just because your short doesnt mean anything. No ones gonna hit you. Everyone gets bumped occasionally so just stay out of the way.

    2. People won't pick on you lol. No one picks on anyone really they dont even care about you they care about themselves and their friends, they dont want to waste time picking on freshmen.

    3. Everyone gets lost at least once. Just ask a teacher where something is if you need help. And go on any tours that you can to really study the school. When i was starting highschool i went the day before it started and toured the school with a friend by ourselves for like half an hour and we totally memorized it!

    Dont worry high school is way more chill once you get inside. When i started i thought everyone was gonna be huge but theyre all pretty average looking. I cant even tell the seniors apart from the freshman lol.

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