
Im starvvvving!!! need some help on what to eat plz?!!?

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ok well im a vegan... and right now i have very little vegan food in my house..

not to mention im waay to exhausted to cook plus im starving.. havent eaten all day cuz i was so busy...

i cant get any food right now cuz no one delivers to where i am..

but anyway.. heres what i have, so can someone please help me find something to make with this??

- onions

- (verry little) tomato sauce

- cucumbers

- sweet n' sour sauce

- wholewheat pasta

- soy milk

- hot chocolate mix (its vegan)

- 1 baby corn

- (Verry little) mushrooms

- garlic powder

- basil/oregano

- flour

ok well thats it.. i cant find any sort of combination to make with would u plz tell me something?

oh and plz dont just reccomend a site with some recipes cuz ive checked alot of them and all need more ingredients than i have...please n thankyou!




  1. Heat up the corn, cook the pasta with tomato sauce and add in the mushrooms.  Obviously add the oregano in for flavor as well.  If you don't have cold filtered or bottled water, use the hot chocolate mix to have something to drink with it.  Then get off your lazy butt and get to the store and restock your kitchen (no one delivers, what a lazy attitude).

  2. fry the mushrooms, make the pasta, and cook the tomato sauce and mix it all together, add gralic or basil if you want, or onions

  3. You could make spaghetti with the rest of the tomato sauce, onions. and mushrooms and the pasta.  Maybe season it with garlic powder, basil and oregano.  You could make a cucumber salad....with maybe some olive oil and salt and pepper, and vinegar if you have it.

    Anddddd hot chocolate for dessert. =]

  4. Do you have any vinegar & sugar?  Make a vinegar dressing with a little sugar, and some dried dillweed (or ginger).  Slice the onions and cucumber and marinate in the dressing for a little  I think it's funny that you have ONE baby corn!  Just eat that while you're waiting for the cucumbers to marinate (about 1/2 hr)

  5. You're going to have to cook obviously.

    So forget not doing that.

    saute the onions and mushrooms.

    Boil the pasta.

    put in the basil with the veges.

    season the veges with whatever you want.

    And put in some tomato sauce.

    Its just like spaghetti.

    Just meatless spaghetti.


  6. pasta with sauce, well call it homemade experimental sauce, seems to be your best bet.

    add some sweet n sour sauce to the tomato sauce for a different taste (and for more sauce quantity) also add some onions, mushrooms, garlic powder and oregano to the sauce for even more flavor.

    sounds good to me.

  7. make pasta with vegetables or use the very little sauce you have

  8. Make a Sweet and Sour Pasta Salad.  Cook the pasta according to the package directions, drain and rinse.  Put in in a large bowl with diced onion, peeled and chopped cucumber, sliced mushrooms, and the baby corn.  Add a little garlic powder to the sweet n sour sauce and and use it as your dressing, pour over salad and toss. Garnish with chopped basil.

  9. Pathetic. You need to eat more soy based products that resemble meat. Like soy soy dogs, burgers (also come in veggie), and a little of tofu. You can also eat burritos, chips, or enchiladas that have cheese instead of meat. And please, DON'T BECOME A VEGAN!!!

  10. Vegetable Pasta!

    You could fry the mushrooms with the onions, then add the baby corn and the garlic powder. Then boil the past and add this and the tomato sauce (if it's too little, add a bit of water) and the basil oregano.

    (i'm all out of ideas after that!)

  11. well you can try stir fry pasta



    baby corn

    garlic powder


    basil and oregano

    add tomato sauce if you want.

    drink:chocolate soy milk shake

  12. You can make hot chocolate first to fill you  up a little while you're making pasta =)

    You can make either spaghetti or sweet N sour sauce pasta.


    1.Boil pasta

    2. In a pan, cook onions, mushrooms, basil/oregano then add tomato sauce.

    3. Sauce + pasta = spaghetti

    Sweet n Sour:

    1. Boil pasta

    2. In a pan, cook onions, mushrooms, baby corn & if you want basil/oregano

    3. Add pasta + cooked veggies + microwaved s & s sauce = pasta

  13. Good old Mac n' Cheese.

  14. Mix them all together to have a really good pasta and have chocolate soy milk

  15. For your drink, mix your soy milk with the hot choclate or just drink water.

    For your meal, boil some pasta in water.  Chop your cucumbers, onions, and the few mushrooms you have.  While your pasta boils take your chopped vegetables and cook them in a skillet, on lower heat (because you would need oil to cook on high heat).  When your pasta and vegetables are done, mix them and garnish with the basil and oregano.

    Enjoy, I hope that helped.

  16. tomato sauce,wholewheat pasta,mushrooms,garlic powder,basil/oregano= speghetti with no meat dear=)

  17. u can make a sauce with the onion ,mushrooms, basil/oregano, garlic powder, and tomato sauce. And poor it over ur whole wheat pasta. You dont need much sauce if it is just for u and u can only use enough ingrediants to make it single serving

  18. Cook the tomato sauce and combine it with the onions, basil and oregano. Serve over the whole wheat pasta and enjoy! hope all goes well

  19. While the pasta is boiling, sautee the onion, then add the tomato sauce, garlic powder (obviously only a sprinkle), and some basil and oregano.

    You can eat the cucumber and baby corn on the side or save them for later.

  20. boil water and cook your pasta

    in a frying pan add some oil or vegan butter or water if you don't have either and fry your onions, cucumbers, and mushrooms, add some garlic powder and fry untill the veggies become somewhat soft.

    throw veggies on top of pasta and add little bit of tomato sauce

  21. ummm cook teh pasta and mix in the onions with the tomato sause you have left.

    saute the mushrooms and eat them as a side dish

    hope i could help

  22. Have tomato sauce and wholewheat pasta.

    Drink some soy milk.

    Hopefully you've taken some vitamins :O

  23. Yay for you on going vegan! (:

    Maybe you could make yourself some hot chocolate and eat the cucumbers?? Weird combination and not very creative, I know, but desperate times call for desperate measures!

  24. wow it sounds like u could make an AMAZING vegan pasta.

    make the pasta

    steam the vegis

    mix add together with basil and mushrooms


  25. If it were me, I'd start with that pasta, maybe make a little sauce for it.  Do you have any oil? Maybe heat a little oil, stir in some garlic powder, add tomato sauce, oregano, pinch of

    basil, and the mushrooms.  Let it simmer a bit...mix w/pasta!

    (p.s. if not oil, just heat the rest together...s'ok)

    While waiting, maybe sip on a little hot chocolate?

  26. cut up the onions, cucumber in little squares, add some sweet corn, some mushrooms. Boil the pasta. Mix all together similar to a pasta salad. add a little dressing.

    Good Luck.

  27. Why not just make some pasta? You could also add the sauce on top.

    You should never starve yourself like that.

  28. OK here goes. 1st boil the pasta, then set it aside after draining it.  in a sauce pan combine cut up onion, tomato sauce with a little water about 1/4, add the mushrooms,add a little garlic powder and some basil and let that simmer for couple of minutes, when finish pour over pasta and put cucumbers sliced thin on top. save the corn for next time. (next time ask someone for a tsp of baking powder and with the flour and soy milk we will make johnny cakes or fry bread)

  29. eat a cucumber, make a bowl of pasta and add the sauce, make a soup with  onions mushrooms and baby corn  garlic powder and herbs and maybe a part of a cucumber.

  30. cook your pasta and then make your own sauce using the tomato sauce, garlic powder, oregano and mushrooms to pour on top.

  31. You could grill (or fry) mushrooms and cucumbers with onions. Yummy!

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