
Im still in luv with my x but my best friend took him!?

by Guest55601  |  earlier

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i went out with the boy that all the girls in my year luvv , for about a year. but then i broke up because the girls were starting to get mean, then the next week she asked him out, she told me to dump him!! what shall i do?? i still like him but i dont want to affect my friendship. my x just phoned me yesterday and asked me if i was ok with it and i told him that i'll tell him tommorow so HELPPPPPPPPP MEEE!!!!




  1. Well for one your friendship obviously means nothing to your supposed best friend because she wouldn't of pulled the stunt she did so I wouldn't worry to much about affecting your "friendship".

    Second you tell your ex you're not ok with it because surprise surprise you're not and you are just being honest. Are you sure you're ex even wants to be with you anymore? It's just he is obviously thinking of going out with your friend which doesn't bode well.  

  2. Okay. say to your friend. i still really like him.. Is shes your friend she will understand. Say i love him and i wna stay with him. You;ll Be Okay , Trust Yourself. He might not even like her. Talk To Him Aswell

  3. Be your OWN boss If yoiu cannot decide this you cannot decide your fate.

    go on and do what your heart Says......

    by the way it is always better to go with what you feel and just close your eyes and ears and do it. thats the way out or else just thin karound what you coukd have done.

  4. you dumped a guy because someone told you to?  because they were being mean to you? didn't jealousy ring a bell in that head of yours? if you are to blind to see that you have been duped. then that is um... your bad...

    your loss was caused by yourself, so no one should feel sorry for you. your loss was caused by you not making your own choices, being a follower, someone who cares what other people think.... who gives a rat's *** what other girls think. if they treat you like c**p, and be mean, it's cuz you HAD something they wanted.... you just go and throw him away, cuz your worried about what what the girls think. stupidity played a major role on your end in this event.... she got you to break up with him so she could snag him up. and if i was him. i wouldn't want you back. especially if you broke up with him just because someone told you to or treated you bad.. STUPID

       and risk what friendship? the one with the girl that picked him out of the gutter after you threw him down? well, she had idea;s in mind and you fell right into her hands.....   she used you to get him, so she really isn't a friend is she.... just like you are not independant and capable of your own decisions. you'll be lucky if you get another boyfriend at the same place.... no one will want to date you when you when you go based off of everyone elses opionions and behaviors.

  5. say it does upset youy that you too are going out if you like him and he still likes you then why would you vbreak up dont care what others girls think bc even if theyre all over him he still chose u not any of them if it really does hurt you tell your friend and tell him but in a nice way but either way youer friends gonna be upset and its just a guy your friendship shouldnt just throw it away bc of that

  6. what kind of friend is she??????


    you shouldve dumped your friend not him!

    Well if hes mature enough & you know he wont act stupid about it

    Then tell him how you really feel. and for her

    shes what you call MEAN.

    You should ask her.. no affence but what kind of friend are you??

    good luck darling!

    hold your head high


  7. not cool, not interesting, not ok, if i was you i would really get mad at my ex and i would be really hurt, what the sheep? what do u mean he called u and asked u if its ok, ofcourse its not, your bestfriend took your ex?do you really think thats ur bestfriend?, u no thats what i did to my bestfriend, and he couldnt even stand seeing my face, thats the worse thing u can do to a person

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