
Im still pretty small for 13 weeks ?

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I'm still small for 13 weeks 113. what week or month did you really start to gain i really wanna gain for the health of the baby.




  1. well everyones different when it comes to the weight gain and how big you actually get when you're pregnant. pre-pregnancy i was 110, i'm now at 22 weeks pregnant and i weigh 123 and my baby is perfectly healthy. as for my size, you can barely tell i'm pregnant.

  2. every woman is different, if your small you might not start gaining a lot until your 2nd or even 3rd trimester, weight gain doesnt always mean healthy, you could be one that only gains a minimal amount of weight here is where they say the weight should go

    Where Does the Extra Weight Go During Pregnancy?


    8 pounds


    2-3 pounds

    Amniotic fluid

    2-3 pounds

    Breast tissue

    2-3 pounds

    Blood supply

    4 pounds

    Fat stores for delivery and breastfeeding

    5-9 pounds

    Uterus increase

    2-5 pounds


    25 to 35 pounds

  3. Sounds like something is wrong with your baby. I would be worried.

  4. I did not really start to put on any weight until around 20 weeks. I am almost 32 weeks now and I have only gained 12 pounds. So each person is different.

  5. Post preg I was like 107lbs 5'1. I'm now 18weeks and 118. I just recently started to gain weight. The doc should tell you if you're not gaining enough. They were worried about me until like two weeks ago. Everything is fine now. But I'm still not really showing.

  6. What does your doctor say?  Everyone is different.  I have been gaining about 1 pound/week and I am 25 weeks.  But my friend only gained less than 10 pounds her whole pregnancy.  

  7. you don't really need to gain weight until 16-20ish weeks. because thats when everything starts to grow.

    as long as your eating enough and taking your prenatals then your fine.

    i lost about 5 pounds in my first trimester (becausse of morning sickness), and just recently got back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

    i'm 5'3'' and currently weigh 120.

    my doctor has never been concerned about my weight.

  8. Don't worry about 13 weeks you are still very early in the pregnancy so you shouldn't have gained much weight yet anyway.  I didn't start to gain weight and "show" until well into my second trimester.  As long as you are going for monthly check ups and they say things are progressing along then relax.  Believe me, you will gain the weight in the near future!

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