
Im stuck in life... Please Help!?

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hi i am a 13 year old boy who is miserable. I am literally stuck in life. I dont want to live with my parents (dad and stepmom) because i get the feeling they do not like me and they fight every time. They also hit me for bogus reasons. My mom committed suicide when i was 7. Sometimes i feel like commiting suicide. What should i do? I have tried to run away once didnt work. please help




  1. hang in there larry,I'm sure the tide will turn for you soon,maybe this experience will make you,i don't know,but its only a few years till you can move on and fend for yourself,in the meantime tell a good friends parents whats happening to you mate,I'm sure they would help if you cant think of one tell a nice teacher at school one you get along with,ok buddy  rid yourself of all suicide thoughts you could become a great man who knows.

  2. You can call the cops and child services can move you. Or you can spend lots of time at friends' and relatives' houses. No matter what life throws your way it's up to you to make the most of life and become the best you can be. It takes time and it really helps to have love and support from people who genuinely care about you.

  3. Since they hit you, you need to talk to someone at school. if you don't want to... join a club a school that will take up a lot of your time so you don't have to deal with them as much. You should talk to someone like a councilor, please, please don't kill yourself. Kids that come from backgrounds like yours and fight through the madness and do well in high school become amazing people later in life because they went through such tragedy. There is always someone you can talk to or call to talk to. And hey, in a few years you can get a job a move out. Just fight through it and don't kill yourself. and remember that it's not you, it's them, so why kill yourself because of their problems? You ROCK! good luck. just get good grades. key to a good life. :)

  4. oh sweetheart.  

    you sound like a lovely person.  i wish i could give you a hug.

    so young, and already feeling stuck?  everyone has those moments when they just don't know what to do.  it's ok.  we get through it.  the only way though is to find the probelm and start working on a solution.  it looks like you've figured out the problem, but the solution is NOT suicide.   you are too special.

    if you feel like your parents are abusing you and causing you ill-feelings, please go talk to a counselor at school.  do not run away from home.  that's the best shelter you've got right now.  wouldn't it be better to have a bed to sleep on and running water than to live on the streets?  stay at home, ask your parents why they mistreat you, then tell them to stop, and talk to a school counselor.

    got that?  

  5. Honestly, I consider suicide everyday of my life. It's crazy but True. I think in a way, it helps relieve my stress or anger or whatever I'm feeling at the moment. Honestly, though. Please don't consider it. At the time it might seem good to you... but after it's over, where does that leave you and the people you left behind. Look, I'm fourteen going on fifteen. I understand the feeling of when you feel like nothing is right and everything in life is wrong and you feel like you're the only one suffering...but the thing is, is that your not the only one. If I had any recommendations, I would suggest teen help hot lines, Where you can just talk to someone, cause even if you just vent to someone about your feeling and your hurt, it makes you feel tons better. And I think that In a way, it's better to talk to someone that doesn't know you because It's not like your ever gonna see  them and they can't really judge you for the way you think or your actions.

    Anyways, Here are some hot lines that will hopefully make you feel better!

    Best of luck,




    National Youth Crisis Helpline: 1-800-999-9999

    National Adolescent Suicide Hot line: 1-800-621-4000

    Teen Suicide Prevention Hot line: 1-800-949-0057

    Runaway Services/Shelter:

    Family Youth Interventions: 1-810-758-7040

    Runaway RAP Line: 1-800-292-4517

    Depression/Grief/Lost a Loved One:

    National Depression Association: 1-800-826-3632

    Cutting Yourself:

    Hot line for Teens who Cut: 1-800-366-8288


    Family Violence Helpline: 1-800-996-6228

    National Domestic Violence Hot line: 1-800-799-7233

    National Referral Network for Kids In Crisis: 1-800-543-7283

    General Teen Help:

    National Teen Emergency Hot line: 1-800-448-3000

    Covenant House Nine line: 1-800-999-9999

    *These are for U.S. only, but on the website it provides numbers for foreign countries as well*

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