I have lived in Alaska for 12 years. (japan one yr) My parents got divorced and my mom and I cannot afford to move somewhere else. Im starting to get depressed, cranky, and its affecting my life. My heads are in the clouds. With my upbringing I was very independent (abuse issues), and I am very studious and I can take care of myself except for funding.
I am 15. When I turn 18, Im studying abroad in Japan, England, or France. I want to do an exchange student program with AFS, but due to divorce issues the soonest I could go is my junior year in highschool.
I have super close family friends in Japan (Also my private Japanese teachers) that I could stay with... but not with AFS. Is it possible to move in with them?
I am almost fluent in Japanese, Have had multiple yrs of Spanish, few of french. Ive generally maintained top grades plus extracurricular activities. Im in a highly gifted program, IQ 157, not that that really matters much... but Im set to go. I need advice! Thanks!