
Im stuck in tokyo for 2 days without money. How can I get cash?

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western union isnt open on sunday. :( at least as far as i checked. :(




  1. You can beg for money. Maybe you can go to the embassy and a nice person would give you a little money out of the kindness of their hearts. You could be a street performer, my friend did that once and made enough money for a meal. I would just go sleep at the airport. Maybe you will run into a sypathetic westerner who will give you 10 bucks if you are nice to them.

  2. get you parents to pay the hotel in advance for you with their credit card and the hotel may give you a cash advance on their card also. ask the hotel and call your parents from there

  3. Maybe find some young people who could be interested in foreign clothes.  You might be able to sell a T-shirt showing a rock band, cartoon character, or even a random English expression.  Or maybe anything that has a label saying "Made in (insert your country here)"

  4. It's very strange. Your bank account of the credit card must exist. Why don't you ask your parent to transfer certain amount into the account by card. Once your account have balance, you can withdraw it at your end in Japan by the card you have now, like every post office ATM.

    If nevertheless your card is out of order, you have to dispose your belongings to pawn shops near you. I don't know how expensive ones you have right now though. They may lend you some money cash exchanged and you'll take later if you want.

    I think most of all hotels or restaurants will accept your card for payment. Why don't you try? Cashing and crediting is different.

    Western Union is no working, same as embassy in week end.

    I think your parents will pay by internet for your stay fee and some overamount for deduction to you too. Try some big hotels they may help you through this way.

  5. The Citibank ATM machines will work with your ATM card.  There are Citibank ATMs in Shinjuku and Shibuya and also other places.  I suggest you can ask you parents to deposit money into your bank account and then withdraw the money from a Citibank ATM.  This should get you through the weekend.

    FYI you can withdraw money from Citibank ATMs and also Post office ATMs.  In either case you will be able to get cash and make it back home.  

  6. for cheap place to stay provided you can get some money is a manga kissa - internet cafe. Some have overnight packs for under $10. Have you tried Western Union?

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