
Im study abroad in Australia, Which city should I go to. Melbourne or Sydney?

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Ive been accepted at Uni of Melbourne/ Uni of Sydney.. WHICH ONE! (your opinion!)




  1. I Think Sydney because is better bigger and has more action and more sight seeing places although Melbourne is still pretty good but i think you would have a better time in Sydney!

    good luck!

  2. Sydney is action paced, fast moving (relatively) and hip. Melbourne is slower, more stately and generally an "older" acting town. Pick the one that matches what you want. Cheers mate.

  3. Both Unis have excellent campus.If you are contemplating travel whilst here Sydney (easier to Travel from to the Sunshine State,Queensland) Melbourne has excellent restuarants but is a little colder than Sydney and rains a little more. Sydney has many excellent sights but if you are only wishing to study the choice is yours as I said before they are both on par with one another.

  4. I think that it depends on what type of scene you like. I am from Melbourne and so of course i would recomend Melbourne. It is very relaxed and it has alot of night life. There is so much to see and so many places to travel around Melbourne..

  5. I'm from Melbourne so I don't know much about the Uni of syd but what I do know is Melb uni is excellent, this isn't just academically but also the social life of Melb uni is great study hard but loads of great parties as well... As for Melbourne it is full of all different people, during the day is great & not as crowded as syd is and at nightlife is amazing; there is something to suit everybodies needs :) Maybe you could go to both cities as both are fantastic and this will asist you with a better opinion..

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