
Im studying human behaviour and there is a situation i am trying to analyze?

by  |  earlier

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in a class room, a student voiced an opinion or point of view that was against the consensus of the class room. people got defensive and emotional towards him. they tried to make fun of him and poke holes in his argument. but he was smarter that them and able to discard their arguments with rationale. the whole class hated him. now when he speaks in class, even an opposing view, the class is quiet and does not speak. the teacher even commented on his not backing down. why did the class and teacher react in this way?




  1. My guess is that he was probably right and the teacher was too afraid to agree with him so he just let him talk. Nice job teach! A lot of teachers don't like it if you go against the politically correct dogma.

  2. The question was how he was being when he voiced his opinion.  That in itself will determine how people will be left with him.  If he voices his opinion in such a way that he is sharing and listening...but not creating an agenda of being "right", then the whole situation could result differently.  My guess that he was without so many words, wronging people, and made himself right.  It's an attack on egos...nobody wants to be left with feeling insignificant.  So I think it was the way he was being that left people feeling resentful of his presence altogether.   He could benefit by taking a course on communication.  lol

  3. No one likes a know-it-all.  Perhaps acting more humble would have brought them around. More "I'm not 100% sure,but I heard that..." instead of "No, actually I'm certain that..."

  4. Because conjecture and emotionally based beliefs will eventually submit to pragmatism and principles.

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