
Im taking 15 yellow xanax bars with 5 shots of differnt alcohols..should i be worried?

by  |  earlier

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i havent done it yet but im thinking about it




  1. CALL 911....

  2. You should be very worried.  Call 911 right away and get to an ER, I'm surprised you're still able to type!  

  3. Hiya Jonathan.  You should really talk to someone about how you feel.  Dying from respiratory failure = the last thing you want to do.  

    Would it be easier to talk to someone you know or to someone you don't know about how you feel?  When I've had bad moments in life, I had a very hard time at reaching out for help from people I know.  I found it easier to reach out to people that I didn't know, which is strange because usually I'm not good around random people like you mentioned.  I think it's because I felt embarrassed or ashamed for how I felt and didn't want those close to me to see that.  I didn't want them judging me.  I figured that by reaching out to people I didn't know, it didn't matter what they thought of me and it would be harder for them to judge me considering they knew nothing about me.  You should look into calling a hotline or talking to someone online if you think you'd be able to open up more.

    Don't take the pills and booze, even in a smaller amount.  It will mess up the chemistry of your brain even more, making you feel even worse.

  4. I am surprised you are not dead!!!

  5. You only need to worry if you are NOT stupid!  Why would you want to consume such a mixture of toxic chemicals?  This combination of alcohol & relaxants can depress your breathing & you could easily slip into a coma...You need to seek help immediately!

  6. You need to call 911 and be taken to the ER stat.

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