
Im taking the ACT in 2 days and need help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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hello. i took the act once before and got a 20. now i am taking it again in 2 days and if i get a 27, my uncle will buy me a car. the first time i left about 25 questions blank, so i know with just guessing all questions i can probably make a 23-24. but i need to get about 4 points after that. i need to know exactly wat to study, like wat types of math, and formulas. and also wat everything else. are there any good websites??? please, im desperate! thank you :)




  1.  it's a really great website!!!!!!!

  2. take some pre-tests and practice tests. there's just no way to tell you exactly what to study! i believe they use a bunch of different tests so you can't cheat! sorry.

  3. Maybe your uncle knows you wont be able to score that high so thats why he said he whould get you a car. I studdied out of a giant SAT book for 3 months of and on and I got a 28 on my ACT, but I DIDN'T DO WELL on my SAT so I guess your pretty much out of time for studing. But don't worry, everything happens for a reason

  4. Know simple things like

    Quadratic Forumla

    Pythagorean Theorem

    Order of Operations

    just higher-end Algebra stuff ;]

    And remember theres a section in the back where the points don't count against you.

    I scored something really high on that test this year... I forgot my exact score though....

  5. the actual act website should have info for you, even a practice test when i took the act a few years ago.

  6. dont study science- all the answers are in the test. you just need to know how to read graphs. there is no real science thing you need to know. the questions will sound hard and impossible, but most people dont realize the answer is right in front of them. in the math- if you dont know how to solve a question skip it and come back later because you barely have enough time to do the math section. in the reading section, be sure to read the questions first and then read the passage. the english section is just spelling and grammar.

  7. write the answers on ur arm and pretend 2 be emo and wear a glove over it

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