
Im terrified of spiders!?

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AHH i am TERRIFIED of spiders and idk why! i just hate them! what do i do?! i saw a big spider a few days ago IN MY HOUSE and it freaked me out, or maybe i was sitting too far away. i saw a spider in the car today. i saw a spider or big ant 3 minutes ago and now i feel like there crawling on me!! help my fear of spiders plz




  1. They generally leave you alone........

  2. Well - I don't hate them but have a fear of them which, I've known for many years, is somewhat irrational.  Somewhat irrational as I have a friend who was bitten by a Brown Recluse and has half of one leg, totally, scarred.  Another friend was ill for a few weeks after being bitten by a Black Widow and, for all 50+ years of my adult life, I've believed my name is on the Spider Attack List (my sister, also, believes her name is on the same list). I've had three "run-ins" with Tarantulas and, when one landed on my hand, thought I was going to die of fright but, as that was 30 years ago ....    This, or anything else, isn't a phobia unless it imposes limits on your life-style.


  3. Haha, I dont like spiders either , but it would be the tarantulas or other poison spiders that I would be afraid of.

    Maybe you should do some reasearch on spiders and learn more about them.

    I myself dont like cockroaches, I dont think anyone does, but anyways, they just look so disgustingly gross that I started to ger really scared of them. I mean if I see one I run !!!!!!

    All has changed though until I have whatched something about cockroach study and it helped me learn alot about them , even maid my fears go away , now I dont run away from them , but still wouldn't touch them.  

  4. Go to a psychologist if you actually have full-blown, hard-core arachnophobia. Phobias are no good, you better get it professionally dealt  with.... or just get over yourself.

  5. I was like you last year Nov 07 the best method I did to rid my fear was to called to a shop where the owner was a friend.

    I began with a red knee tarantula moult which was ok and I got my courage after a couple of few minutes and then held a sub adult Rose hair tarantula who to be honest was not that bad my daughter was with me who also doesn’t like spiders asked me what it felt like on my hand all I could say was it felt like holding our Syrian hamster with a ticklish feeling.

    And the rose hair I held I brought home as I fell in love with her and she helped with my fear and since then I now have 32 tarantulas of 8 species an two different spiders none tarantulas.

    Good look with finding help as for my daughter i've helped her and now she has 2 pink toes a Avic Peru purple and A. Versicolour take a look at my pics as this also helps by looking at pic followed by videos then moults then the real deal.

    My spider pics of my adult and spiderlings

  6. I was terrified of frogs until recently when I picked one up, and now I have no fear of touching them at all.

    Face the fear is going to be the only answer.

  7. We all have phobias of all sorts. It is normal to have one.

    All phobias can be resolved but first you should understand spiders.

    Many people find spiders repulsive and scary, yet the majority of spiders are harmless and beneficial.

    So let's take a good look at these creatures and address our fears. Consider how much bigger you are than a spider and that spiders probably can't even see you. Although spiders typically have eight eyes, many have poor eyesight.

    Spiders pose no real threat to us. In fact, you can appreciate spiders for their significant contribution to insect control - - Visit this site for more info.

    Tips to handle your fear -

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