ever since i moved to minnesota when i was 7, i've been absolutely terrified of thunderstorms. it's probably because they can produce tornadoes. im mostly afraid of severe thunderstorms. like if its just a normal thunderstorm im totally fine, but if its even slightly severe i freak out. i constantly check the weather, look out the windows, and even hold my baby blanket to me. i'm 13 now, and i really need to get over this. there's been tornadoes just minutes away from my house, the closest one that has ever happened was about 50 yards away from my house in june 2006. the windows were shaking, our lights were flickering, etc.
im so sick of being afraid. how can i get over this fear?
by the way, ive driven & walked in many storms, and it only helps for that day.
there's supposed to be strong thunderstorms here tomorrow, and i dont want to be scared.