
Im thinking about a new cage for my Campbell hamster. Any suggestions?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well i have a habbit trail safari. So if you can recomand anything that could attach to it would be great. I want alot of space for him scine the habit trail was crowded so i took some stuff out.

So if you guys want to show me a good cage and tell me why its good I will probley end up picking that one.

Also A 5 star answer might be given out. Im just reall confused on what to get.




  1. Make a bin cage and you can attach it to your habitrail with a tube.  Just cut a hole in the side of it the size of your tube.

  2. If u get one with a hamster wheel and tubes to go in ur hamster will like that mine did lots.

  3. You already have a Habitrail Safari which is the correct size for one Campbell Hamster. I have two dwarf hamsters and I have one habitrail safari and one habitrail playground cage interconnected for them so that they can have lots of space to move around. I also have mazes and tunnels attached to them which are easily available in Habitrail accessories. Habitrail allows lots of accessories on its cage so that you can increase the space of your Habitrail.

    Go on to, click on left side cages option (not the OVO one). A window will pop up. The fourth choice on the left is "Building Center" where you can virtually build and expand your cage and take a print out of it for shopping.

    I suggest that this is a better option rather than buying a new cage completely since you already have a good cage .

  4. go to the pet store and there will be a lot of cages to pick from.

  5. Idk about anything that can attatch to it, but here are some cute cages, lol=):



  6. Make a bin cage.

    You can even attach your existing cage to it. Here's a picture of a bin that someone has connected via tubes to another cage

    With a little creativity, you'll find the best way to attach yours. If you don't know will sell "replacement parts" for various cages if you're looking for something to attach the tubes to the bin, instead of putting them through an appropriately sized hole.

    Adding a bin instead of adding on to your cage system will be significantly less money for the same amount of useable space. You'll also provide a different type of habitat for your hamster  which will enrichment your hamsters home.

    The cages another poster gave links for are "Crittertrails" - they are NOT good for dwarfs. The accessories are fine and will attach to your habitrail ones, but the cages have numerous issues if you're keeping dwarfs in them. We use the crittertrail tubes inside our bin cages for our dwarfs.

    SAM/PennPlax, Crittertrail/superpet & Habitrail will all directly attach to each other. Hartz tubes are bigger and require an adaptor.

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