
Im thinking about buyng these headphone. Do you recommend them?

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  1. one of my friends has those...he loves them...its excellent b/c he lives in house with two screeming little whenever he needs to get away he puts them on and listens to classical music

  2. Personally I think the Creative Aurana and the whole product line from Bose is priced too high for what it's actually giving you. I have heard headphones 1/2 the price with much better quality and sound performance...but if you want to follow the hype trend, then go Bose. If you want headphones on a plane, I would rather choose a passive noise cancelling one like the Sennheiser HD280 or the Beyerdynamic DT770...but I wouldn't get those for a flight because they're headphones and flying economy...the room I have is bad enough as is. I would much rather buy in ear monitors (IEMs), and have portability and very nice passive noise reduction, such as the Etymotics ER6i, Futuresonics Atrio M5/8, or a Sleek Audio SA6.

  3. yes I do and they are great on the airplane

  4. Bose definitely makes great stuff! but I would hold my money on this particular item. Look at the creative aurvana X-fi

    If noise cancelation is your thing... these suckers will drown out 90% of it. The sound is crystal..Comfort is out standing. Price is up there but so is the bose these are cheaper infact. The bose QC3 doesnt kill the noise like these babies maybe 60-70% of it, if that is your thing. I know I couldnt hear a thing when I was forced to go to a dave matthews concert...sorry if your a dave fan.

  5. Those are definitely great headphones, however I wouldn't recommend them unless you fly often or are constantly in a noisy area would need noise canceling. I purchased the Bose Triport headphones a few years back and LOVE them. They are less than half the price of the ones your looking at yet still have the same high quality audio. When I talked to a worker at the Bose store, they said that both the Triport and the Quiet Comfort have the same quality audio, but the Quiet Comfort has the noise canceling capability.

    So if your just looking for quality and want to save money, check out the triport. But if you need to cancel noise and have the extra money, the Quiet Comfort is for you.

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