
Im thinking about getting a Kawasaki Ninja 250?

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I am 6"1 and 235 lbs though so heavy. This will be my first bike and I was wondering if the 250 would still be good for me or if i should get a different one? 17 years old and paying for it all myself. :-)

Also, how do you get experience behind the bars if i do not have access to a bike right now before i buy it?




  1. To get access plus ALOT of expierience in a short time, take the msf course by harley davidson or another place. also, dont get the 250. its a great bike but you being 6"1 you will be very cramped. aim for a 500 or 600 that way its not so cramped for you, and so you wont get tired of it quickly. plus the 08's are awesome 250's but you have to wait a year to get one cuz they are all sold out, unless you wanna buy one over priced used one on ebay. so try the MSF course, look at a bit of a bigger bike, and welcome to the bikers world. :) If you still want the 250, try to find a dealership that actually has one and sit on it. if it doesnt bother you so much then go ahead and get it. im 5"10 and it seemed kinda cramp to me

  2. Kaw Ninja is a great starter bike however I think you might consider a 500.

  3. Your just slightly larger than me, but I do have some slight experience.   I can tell you without a doubt that you will be tired of a 250 in about 3 days, or possible even while driving home from the sellers.  I mean, your a big guy and you could probably just pick a 250 up and run with it.  If it's finacially possible, I think you should go bigger.  You sound responsible since you're going to pay for it yourself and all so I'm sure you're going to be careful and not act like a fool on it.  I say you need a minimun of 1000cc.  Your just going to get tired of something smaller too quick.

  4. The Kawasaki Ninja 250 is a great starter bike, so is the Yamaha TY. Either bike can be found pretty cheaply used with low miles and in good shape for the same reason that they are great to learn on - people buy them to learn on and then as soon as they get good they want something more powerful. I heard the yamaha was more fun but I like the kawasaki better, it has more style.  Of course if you're looking for a classic style instead of a sport style you could find an old Puch, or Royal enfield and the price range is about the same. I'd put a 17 year old pretty well built guy on the ninja over any other starter bike though.

         Also depending where you live your local community college should have a motorcycle safety course. Same as with drivers ed they will have bikes there for you to ride. The only pre-requisite is a permit, and at the end of the class you usually automatically get your license. Other than that the only way I can see to ride before you buy is to find a friend who has one.

         My boyfriend is 6'2 and 220, perfectly comfortable riding the ninja 250, in fact he rides a puch twingle comfortable and it's like a 180 cc or something silly like that, you can always sell or trade up to the 500 and beyond later. You don't want something to be overpowered for your experience level at first.

  5. The MSF course is fun and informative. If you have the extra bread and time it's a must do.

    You are too big for the Ninja 250R. Wait a few months for the 2009 Ninja 500 release. They are rebuilding it just like they did with the 250. You'll be glad.

    17 years old and you're 6'1" 235lbs? d**n what you been eating? Other kids? LOL

  6. DONT listen to that other guy dont get a 1000cc u will die.....look out for the 500 hundred range if u dont like they way most look ...i dont blame u....u may want to got to 600 but make sure u take courses and buy all the gear ...a 250 for u will prob feel like a scooter

  7. good luck

    hope you find one

    dealers are sold out

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