
Im thinking of adopting and the agency i found has a "nice" blind boy. But, im afraid he wont be any fun.

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is it true that they cant run and play like normal kids? will it like listening to TV while i watch my shows? i dont know what to do take these leftovers or find a better kid?




  1. you sound like a rude person which shouldnt end up with that little boy

    i hope he finds a nice family

  2. i hope the adoption agency reads your question... no matter how  able bodied or disabled a child is, they are a gift.. how dare you say this child is a left over you are the one who is a leftover and i hope there are not too many like you... ANGRY PARENT

  3. How about a kitten.

  4. I would not recommend adopting a child with your attitude.  That will be one very unhappy kid and no one deserves that.

  5. The only "leftovers" here is you, cause you sound rotten.

    The only "blind" person here is you, cause you cannot see love.

    You are an empty, empty human being.  I am truly sorry that no one has ever really loved you.  If you had ever felt even the smallest bit of real love, you would not be able to be so hurtful, so cruel, and so heartless.  I feel incredibly sorry for you.

  6. Do YOU feel like a leftover?  Is the "nice" child really YOUR STORY?  The only reason I can fathom that anyone would ask this question is because they are feeling like the imaginary person they are inquiring about.

    I'm sorry you feel this way.  No one is ever a left-over, but perhaps looked-over.  All children are gifts from God, even with disabilities.

  7. OK, I seriously hope this is a joke, if it's not, you are mentally ill. You don't need to adopt at all if this is your feelings. Stay FAR, FAR away from children you freak!!

  8. I'd like to know where this attitude comes from that many of the answers are showing.  Why do people expect that adoptive parents should be willing to take ANY child????

    I'm sorry it bothers people sensitivities but, yes, some kids are "leftover."  If there weren't any leftover kids, we wouldn't have orphanages, wards of the state, and a foster care system.

    Frankly, I think adopting a blind child would be a very big challenge.  Sure, for the right parents, it would be just as fulfilling as any child...but don't get mad at somebody just because they hesitate over such a thing.  And, yes, blind children often are "left over" and end up in the foster care system.

    And, by the way, our child was born with special needs.  Because of the real risk of us having a another child with special needs, we are going to adopt...and, yeah, we are going to be fairly picky considering the challenge we already have.  In this case, we're actually hopeful that a normally developing child would be an asset to the other.

  9. I hope that whatever agency you use knows about how you feel and refuses to allow you to adopt any child, blind or not. With your attitude you should never have a child.

  10. you can't be for real!! you are a twisted person... why would you even "joke" about something like this? you need to get some help

  11. I honestly was sickened by this question.  That is really a sad situation for this little boy who needs someone to love him but can't help the fact that he is blind. My mom is adopting a baby who's mother shook her, she was a normal baby, but out of anger, her mom shook her and now she is deaf and blind. If loving people like my mom wouldn't of stepped up and took care of her, she'd be dead. Thanks to my mom who gave of herself, and took the challenge, this baby may hear, see, and even walk someday. I think people who have attitudes like you need a lot of prayer a heart. If you yourself was blind and in that boys situation, how would YOU feel if no one wanted you. It takes someone very special and an angel to reach out and give themself to a little child who needs love inspite of his disability. I would recommend you never adopt. And to the man who made his comment about having a child of his own who is disabled, but thinking this blind boy could possibly be considered a left over, shame on you. I've been around foster kids my whole life, and they aren't there because they were leftovers. They are there because they're parents made bad choices and the children pay by being put in the states care. The system lets them down and they can't get placed. It's not that the child is a leftover. No child is an "IT" or a leftover, every child is a gift from God. Shame on those who think differently. That's my view point.

  12. what kind of person are you.i could go on forever but im not going to give you the time.i suggest children should never be in your care.

  13. Whoa, hold on a want to adopt, but you don't want to adopt a blind boy because he won't be fun?  What kind of person are you?  Do you know that there are thousands of kids in foster care right now waiting for a home (disabled children included) and not even for a second would I ever recommend you for any of them.

    God willing, you will never have your own children because you are obviously too selfish and conceited to have any.  You are a terrible person for thinking it, and worse for asking it.

    DON'T ADOPT AND CONSIDER GETTING YOUR TUBES TIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  14. how can you refer to a child as "it", you should reconsider adopting because you seem like you're not ready for parenthood.

  15. the disabled children are the ones that need you the most.  kids aren't all fun.

  16. I think you should adopt something just like you ---- a chimp.

  17. I hope your just joking but no one would adopted a child out to you with that attitude.

  18. You don't become a parents b/c it will be "fun".  You become a parents because you want to share your love with that child!  And obviosly, you aren't ready to be a parent.  A mom's love should be unconditional, meaning you love your child no matter what---whether he's deaf, blind, handicapped or what ever!  Plus, if your "shows" mean more than your kid you definitely aren't ready!  You're adopting a child, not a hamster!

  19. A child isn't an "it." "The Child Called It" was written by the survivor of one of the worst child abuse cases  in California, and that's what your question makes me think of. Don't adopt.

  20. You are obviously not open to a child with disabilities.

    For your sake and the kid's -- do not adopt him.

    Honestly -- if you really wanted this child you shouldn't be thinking this way.

    That's a really rude thing to say by the way. About the t.v. that is.

    Since you even asked this question I am scared to see you raising any child. Your children will not be open minded.

  21. You sound a little immature to be adopting a kid.

  22. Leftovers?  A better kid?  Perhaps you should reconsider your reasons for adoption and decide if this is truly the right decision for you.  

    Adoption should be from the heart.  While everyone wants a "perfect" child, the truth is that NO child is perfect.  We adopted a special needs child and he is the best thing that ever came into my life.  It takes someone strong to parent a special needs child.  If you are going to refer to him as a "left over", he will never receive the type of family life he deserves.

  23. I hope you're joking..

  24. An "IT" is  non adoptable ... try a she/he.  With your attitude, no child would be happy with you... needless to say they would not have fun around you.  First grow up, get a dog (oh no what am I saying..  poor dog!) get a rock and have that as a pet.  If and only if the rock does not die on you and when you mature and have a stable household then get a child of your own.  And hope none of your children( if you ever have any) or relatives have a blind child.    And what do you mean by taking the leftovers?    This is not Thanksgiving dinner!  You really are sick or just out to make the rest of us fall to your little joke.

  25. I am sorry i wouldnt consider u for adoption and u will do better to let the child have better and more understanding parents then u.  having a child is wonderful gift and u dont seem to understand that.  just because a child is blind doesnt limit his ability to love and u could learn something from this child .  leave him for someone who will have fun with him whether he can see or not and move onto to a puppy...

  26. I hope to god you never adopt and please do not reproduce.

  27. With what I'm reading here, you don't really have any business adopting at all.  

    Kids of any race, age, gender, with or without disabilities are not leftovers.  One child is not "better" than another.

    Before anyone agrees to take a child with any kind of special needs, though, they need to seriously consider how this will affect their life and whether or not they're capable of handling the special needs in a loving, nurturing manner.

    Please do the child a favor and don't adopt him.  Do every child a favor and don't adopt period.

  28. This is a really wierd and creepy question. If the boy is blind then he is not different than other other kid...except he's blind. I really hope that this adoption agency does pre-screening because your a f*ck*n lunitic

  29. you're a joke and heartless to boot. get a life, you creepy, creepy little person.

  30. Your attitude is poor you shouldn’t adopt at all calling any child “leftovers”. My parents work with blind people and they can do anything seeing people can do. Just differently  they have books in Braille. They have descriptive movies and TV shows.

  31. you arent serious

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