
Im thinking of becoming vegan, what would you advise?

by Guest21574  |  earlier

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Ive gone of butter and icecream - purely to the fact that it comes out of a cows nipple...




  1. A lot of vegetarians do eat dairy - so maybe you want to be vegan? No animal products at all?

    I would advise getting some good books about nutritional requirements because you need to be sure you're supplementing or eating enough other foods (fruits, veggies, wholegrains and protein) that have b vitamins, iron and calcium + everything else. You don't want to be deficiant and it's easy to do if you are just cutting some foods out and not replacing them with the right things.

    Good luck!

  2. Oh please, get real. Do you not eat eggs because they come from a hens ****?!?

  3. If you want to, do it, but make sure that you eat sensibly and take vitamin supplements if necessary to keep yourself healthy [ie calcium].

    But before you make a decision, remember that becoming vegan also means no chocolate lol.

  4. it is very difficult and if you are a young girl it is not advisable.

  5. That's awesome. There are many reasons of why people go vegan, but the one main one would be for moral and animal reasoning. Do you know what dairy cows go through to produce milk? It's horrifying. If you log onto and type in 'dairy cows' or 'factory farming' it gives you a list of what happens to the animals. It's terrible. It's good to do your research.

    I found, for myself - especially being a huge animal lover, it easy to go vegan. I actually started out vegetarian and after a month of that I realised the pain that the animals suffered and decided to go vegan. It turned out to be the best thing I've ever done! I love everyday being a vegan. It makes life so much more interesting and I love that I'm not contributing to animal suffereing.

    If you do decided to become a vegan you should take an all-round vitamin everyday and make sure you keep up on your levels of vitamin b12.

    A vegan diet, if maintained, is one of the most healthiest diets in the world. Eating meat and animal products has been strongly linked to osteoporosis, Alzeimer's disease, asthma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, impotence, type 2 diabetes and plenty of others.

    Vegans also avoid leather, suede, silk, fur, wool and basically any cosmetics and products that test on animals. There is a page on PETA that will give you a list of the brands that do test on animals. Check it out.

    So if you're helping yourself, the environment, AND the suffereing of animals... why not go vegan?


  6. I too would advise you don't

  7. take 1 large t-bone steak,2 lambs kidneys 3 pork sausages,2 slice of veal liver 5 chicken breast fry in lard slap on a plate and eat yum yum forget about being a vegan their all Muppet's

  8. go for it, anyone who says its unhealthy is wrong. its great how so many people like to say how unhealthy it is but have never personally tried it.

    your gonna have to be alot more careful about what you eat, to make sure you get in all your vitamins. if you eat a variety of fruits and veggies it should be pretty easy. the only thing i advise is taking a vitamin for b-12.

    good luck! :D

    vegan doesnt mean no chocolate, its means no milk chocolate but there is vegan chocolate, as there is vegan cake, ice cream, butter, egg replacer(only for recipes). etc.

  9. don't do it dear ....

    eat whatever you feel is correct seeing something and then leaving is a stupidity all i can say is everything which is kept in the category of food has some or the other nutrients in it..whether its proteins, carbohydrates or so...which is some or the other way important for our body so don't quit anything for lame excuses but if you are a veggie then I'll not force you ...

  10. If you know exactly what nutrients you need to supplement your diet and don't go around calling all non Vegans idiots - why not ?

    You should of course remember that a good Vegan will not use leather either, so if you like shoes and handbags, think about what you want to wear.

  11. soya products and quorn. you get used to them.

  12. I am a vegan my self and I think it is great. There are lots of great foods that don't involve meat. It is also a way to try new foods. So I think you should try it but if you find your self craving meat than maybe being a vegan is not for you!

  13. My advice. DON'T!!

  14. my advise : not to become vegan

  15. are you vegetarian already?

    if not, i would recommend becoming vegetarian first, then it's not such a big step.

    and the person above is wrong.... Quorn is NOT vegan!

  16. Great, so I hope one day you shall make your baby starve, just because your milk comes ...

    THink of the terms Symbiosis vs. Parasitism .... H

  17. Much more difficult, not to say more expensive, than being vegetarian.  Less healthy too with far less options.

    Cow's nipples turning you off?  Help!!  that's a new one.

  18. I'd recommend getting a book from the Vegan Society called 'Animal Free Shopper'. It contains lists of a lot of the food that is Vegan. Also, check various companies websites if you aren't sure. Sainsbury's are now starting to label their vegan products, which is great, although there are still not many products available. Unfortunately no Quorn product is vegan. There are a few Lynda Mccartney products (sausages, sausage rolls, country pies) which are though. I would recommend you have a look to see what there is and give it a go. Even if you don't go completely vegan, you could try having vegan days or just cut out fresh milk (ie in tea and on cereal) and cheese etc.... Good luck!

  19. It's quite difficult. You'll have to avoid anything containing meat, dairy products or eggs. That means it's very difficult to find a vegan cake. Are you sure you want to give up cake?

  20. Do it. And you can still make desserts with different ingredients by the way..


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