
Im thinking of buying a frog from the shop are they easy to look after?

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i use to have fish, but don't anymore, so i went to the shop thinking of buying another one and i saw that they had adorable tiny little frogs but i don't know how easy they are to look after? or what to feed them.. or basically anything so i just need a few tips before i can think about getting one..?




  1. Yeah, figuring out what kind they are helps tremendously.

    However, if they are a terrestrial frog you're going to need a tank (depending on the type of frog, size will be an issue - usually not a huge tank).

    You will usually need a low wattage heat lamp, some however like it a bit warmer, you will also need a UV lamp.

    You'll also want to get a thermometer and hydrometer which will measure temp and humidity because humidity is very important for most frogs.

    As far as feeding, if they aren't too too small, crickets are what they'll eat.  Larger frogs will eat crickets, worms, etc pretty much anything they can fit in their mouths.

    Frogs are however pretty much a hands off - look don't touch animal.

    They are fun to watch however and cool pets.

    - On the other hand if its an aquatic frog, like a Dwarf African or African Clawed frog then a fish tank type set up with a filter and heater is required.  

  2. You should probably find out what type of frog they are first so it'll narrow down your search for what you exactly need to get. Is it an aquatic frog or terrestrial? You know give a little more basic info.

  3. it probebly depends on what kind of frog you get but all frogs are pretty easy to take care of. at stores like petco,petsmart or pet world they would most likley have a frog kit that would cost around a 100$. but it comes with the food beading hut and lots of other stuff to too. once you get the kit st up all you have to do is put the frog in find out what it eats then feed and let it hunt. but id let the frog get used to its new habatait. thats all you have to do except for claning out the cage. well good luck i hoped i helped.

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