
Im thinking of home schooling my 9 year old. i have big problems with the public school system?

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she is a special needs child she suffers from adhd and severe panic attacks and im tired of these uncaring robot like teachers anyone have any suggetions? thanks so much by the way we live in fla




  1. make sure that your child has not been prematurely diagnosed, i know that a lot of doctors just call a playful and energetic kid. but for your question, that depends, if you think you have more to offer your child and enough time to devote, i would home school, if not then i would go the regular schooling way

  2. look for homeschooling groups in your area (maybe even special needs ones) Look up on google or ask around / post a bulliten

  3. home schooling is very common in florida. find out about others homeschooling in your community and like once a week or once a month they could do an activity together.

  4. home schooling is great! get in touch with ur local education department and they will help u.

    hope this helps.

    good luck.

  5. I live in Oregon and have had similar issues with our schools here. I finally found this

    It's available in Florida you should check it out. If you wanna hear about what we've been through email me at and i'll get back to you.

    By the way, It's FREE.

    Good Luck. Public School is nothing like it used to be.

  6. My heart goes out to you and I commend you for considering taking this step.  I have been homeschooling my ADHD son since he was ten.  He is now fifteen and most people consider him to be laid back.  Homeschooling was definitely the right choice for us.  This is a great place to get access to resources and ideas.  Just don't let anyone else tell you when, what or how to do it.   You'll know in your heart what is right for you and your child.  I'm sending you an email as I would like to communicate with you further and privately if you're open to corresponding.

  7. Start out by getting information about home-school rules in Florida.  You can get all that you need to know from -- it is the website for the Home School Legal Defense Association.  There will be links to home-school groups in Florida. has links to many helpful websites.  OCEANetwork is in Oregon but it offers an abundance of help to anyone.  It has a lot of information for people that are just getting started.

    Home-schooling is a wonderful opportunity for your daughter and for you too.  You can build an awesome relationship and you can have fun learning together.

    Remember to keep it simple!  Don't try to do so much that you both become overwhelmed.  

    Start out with math at her comfort level.  Practice all of the mathfacts by using flashcards and manipulative objects.

    Then have her practice penmanship.  She can progress into writing her own original thoughts in a daily essay.

    Read together for 2 hours or more every day.  Take turns reading out loud and then read your own books silently at the same time.

    You'll be surprised at how well she will do with a simple routine of math, writing, and reading.  After all these 3 things are the basis for all other educational pursuits.

  8. I have linked to you a very long list of Florida homeschool groups.  Link up with one or more of them, learn the laws of your area, and get some support for yourself and your child.

    You may just find, by the way, that that 'ADHD" disappears once you remove your child from school.  You also may find that the panic attacks resolve as well.   If they don't please do not hesitate to seek professional guidance for your child.

    Be well.

  9. A lot of school districts are offering online K-12 classes now-- they are 100% online, and I know in the case of the Douglas County School District in Colorado, it is tuition-free!

    Check to see if your local school district has online schooling b/c it is a good way to keep your child at home but you don't have to take on the responsibility of playing teacher.

    Good luck!

  10. I too suffer from severe panic attacks. Although you might decide that homeschooling is the answer later on you first need to have your daughter treated by a psychiatrist for her disorder. Get over any problems that you might have with the stigma of seeing a psychiatrist. These are very real medical conditions (yes, psychiatric conditions are medical conditions) that need to be addressed by a specialist, not just your family doctor. Remember that it is not the job of your school system to provide medical or psychiatric care for your child.  These teachers are not doctors or psychiatrists and are only trained to provide an average education to an average kid. Please do not pull her out of school without having her work with a child psychiatrist or PhD level psychologist - not a family counselor and not the school counselor. If you do not have the economic means to see a specialist or medical insurance, contact your local health department for a needs based referral.  These problems can be overcome with the right kind of help. Otherwise, your little girl may end up an agoraphobic shut-in, totally dependent on you and completely disabled instead of a well adjusted adult. Good luck.

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