
Im thinking of installing the linux thingy... but i need more information on how u guys do it..?

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well currently im using a windows vista on my laptop...

my laptop spacification is..

1.49GB Of Ram

64 vga.

intel dual core...1.73 or sumthing like that..

80gb hard desK

anyhow..all i know that this so called linux Thingy is Kinda cool and easy user interference.. According to my mates.. i can possibly install linex without ruining my whole system? and if so.. what kind of linux os that will fit the most on my pc

in which it includ all this Graphics stuff and all those cool effects like the cube thingy..? and what is ubuntu os? and what is LIVE CD!?

and last question!

what is linux in general ? is i worth to install in my laptop?

im a Windows big admire thou ..but just.. i wanT tO try something diff...

ThnX in Advace




  1. You can run it off a live CD and try it out.

    You don't really have enough disk space to dual boot it imo. But try this first and see how you like it!

    Live CD is when it boots up and runs off the cd requires no install.

  2. If Windows is working for you and you're not a programmer, then you probably don't want Linux.

    You will most likely have to tweak settings to get all your hardware to function under any distribution of Linux, and the only benefit is a warm and fuzzy feeling of using free community developed software...that is until you have to use proprietary drivers...but that's another story.

    A Live CD is a good way to achieve fist sized holes in your drywall--They rarely work right, but theoretically they can boot a fully functional version of an operating system to be run right off the cd. Then you often have the option of installing it to the hard drive after playing around with it to see what's what--Caution!! you may lose your Windows install if you're not careful! Linux NOOBs should start with Ubuntu (link below).

    The "cube thingy" you refer to is Compiz Fusion (Beryl) and you have to install it yourself--It doesn't get installed automatically.

  3. I would download Wubi, and run it. It will download and install linux Ubuntu,about the easiest linux distro there is. If you find you don't like it you can just uninstall it and you will never know it was there. I run it on my machine with far less hard drive space than you have, it only needs 10gb or less.

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