
Im thnkin about goin to a boardin school and i was wondrin wat othr peple thnk about it and wat r some good on

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Im thnkin about goin to a boardin school and i was wondrin wat othr peple thnk about it and wat r some good on




  1. I am thinking you need to find one that has a strong English department.

  2. This is the homeschooling section. You should probably ask in a different area.

    Boarding school can be good if your parents can afford it and you think you will be fine away from your parents that long, entering a school where you know nobody. It's kind of like moving out or joining another family. You need to be prepared to live with a roommate, have strict rules, take your studies seriously, all that.

    As for good ones, just do a search for "boarding school" in Yahoo and you'll come up with some sites that list boarding schools.

  3. Traditionally the boys in my family have always gone to Shore ( )

  4. I am only familar with one. My mother-in-law used to be the live-in school nurse there. We went up to visit her at least one full weekend a month on campus. It is very selective and very expensive. They have students from all over the world going there for the purpose of a ticket to the ivy league schools. The last time I checked, just for curiosity sake, it was $38,000 for the year. Kids that graduate from there get in to Harvard, Stanford, MIT, etc. My husband's brother got to go there for free because of his mom working there. He graduated to go to MIT. My husband had the option of public school or the boarding school and opted for public because it didn't make you work so hard. Now he could kick himself for it. LOL.

    I was always impressed with the school. The students are boarding there, so when we went up we could really get a feel for the place. The students all seemed very mature. The campus was beautiful and well maintained. From what  I understand, the teachers there are equivalent to college professors or they don't get hired. These kids work hard at their studies, but it seems to me like the studies are seen as worthwhile and interesting to the students. I never heard a single complaint or whine once from a student there.

    If the price tag and work ethic don't scare you off, it is Asheville School in Asheville, NC. It is a beautiful campus in the Smokey Mountains. Here is a link:

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