
Im too hungry and my sister has a fish would it consider a sin if i just cook it and ate it without telling?

by  |  earlier

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she has had this fish for like a year now.but,the fish would look good on my plate.




  1. If my sister had a fish, she would kill me if I ate it. Find something else to eat, like cookies, rice, bread, cereal, etc.

  2. Yes it is haraam. That is stealing. Ask your sister. If she says no, make something else to eat. A sandwhich, cut up some fruit, anything. Even if she did forget about it, it will still be a sin. So just ask her.

  3. isn't there anything else to eat?

    some crackers or rice...

    idk, find some other option :\

    happy eating

    and good luck...

  4. Yes, actually I think it's actually a crime to damage the property of others...

    Your sister loves the fish probably.  

    Always listen to that "good" voice in your heart.  

    You know it's a sin when your conscience is telling you a behavior is questionable.

  5. Go make yourself a pb and j.

  6. Don't you have anything else to eat? Seriously. Use your judgement.


  7. I hope that fish is canned. If you eat it you should buy her another one.

  8. well, if its been there for a long time, then i think she would have forgotten about it already. Just make it and eat it and dont tell her, and if she asks, then tell her the birdy ate it :D

    Thats what i used to do to my sister when she had something i wanted, then she would say, im gonna kill that birdy and would chase me :( lol

  9. Sure, I recommend a basil and butter marinade, put it in tin foil on the grill and call it a day.  Pair it with a Riesling as this should pair well with fish.

  10. lol u'd be a meany then, - _ -

  11. Its so funny, well probably she wont mind at all, as she has forgotten all about it.

  12. don't u have any other food in your house 'cause i don't think that fish is the only food in your house

  13. haha do u not have any other food in ur house?

  14. why don't you just order a pizza?

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