
Im too sad to sleep....?

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I may have really messed things up with my boyfriend, i tend to over react to little things. But anyways it after midnight, i have to get in a few hours to go babysit. Im gonna need energy. Im really sad cause of whats been said. I know itll all work up in the end but right now im really sad. I keep breaking down into tears. No one is up where i am because of the time. Im only 15 by the way. Anyways, what can i do until i have to get up? If you say sleep then lettme know how to get to sleep. I keep crying and im not tired. Im hungry but i dont feel like eating anything. I just want to cry




  1. Drink a glass of warm milk. Then try this,,

    Close your eyes as you lie down on your bed.

    Imagine a piece of white paper that covers your entire vision.

    You see nothing but white.

    Relax ,,,, & don't think about anything else,,

    You should fall asleep soon,, Work things out with your bf tomorrow,,

  2. Well, if you believe in God, I would suggest praying. I always pray when I'm feeling down, and it always helps knowing that God is watching over you and taking care of you. He will make everything work out for the best. If that doesn't work, watch a funny movie. Just pick one. I'm not sure which ones you have or what your style is, but if you like Disney, try "Finding Nemo"! That's one of my favorites. I just realized that is a little sad, but Dory always picks things up. Pick another one if it is too sad for you. You can pretty much pick anything as long as it's not sad. Everything will seem better in the morning. Just close your eyes and think of good things. Good Luck! (:

  3. I definitely recommend a funny movie maybe meet the fockers type etc... You could try some benedryl to help you relax.  i'm sure your b/friend will get over it and you two will be fine in the end!  it happens.

  4. Well if you want to stay up, [which you probably don't] a comedy might cheer you up. Possibly watching Dane Cook on youtube. What I would do is let all the tears out, and eventually, you'll start get tired of crying. You don't need a guy just to be happy in your life. Think about all the better things that has happened to you. I hope you feel better.

  5. you're probably just going to have to cry yourself to sleep tonight, and sometimes there's nothing you can do. maybe you could call a friend and talk to them about it? that could help.

    but tomorrow you should just get some caffeine in you before babysitting and you'll feel just like neww

  6. I think you should pray.

    It doesn't have to be some on your knees hands grasped together looking up to the heavens and declaring your sins prayer, just a minor ask for help to get over your feelings of sadness and to be enlightened and filled with hapiness and positive thoughts from here on in.

    Good Luck!

  7. You will break hearts and your heart will be broken until Mr right comes along.Take it as a learning lesson and grow from it. Next time you will know not what to do.You remember if you have another relationship be yourself do not try to please your guy and not be yourself. It is important to be you. Mr right will love the true you

  8. You just need to take the time to think it over. If it wasn't suppose to happen then it wouldn't have happened. Your only 15 you've got so much ahead of you. You don't have to waste your time on just this one person. Then listen to some happy music and try to get some sleep. Warm milk may also make you tired.

  9. yeaah! watch funny movies.. don't listen or watch anything that has to do with love, haha. cus it's gonna make things so much worse &you're just gonna reminisce about the good stuff. y'noe. annnd, just cry everything all out.

  10. just turn off all the lights and watch tv till your mind sways away from him and evauntully you should fall alseep

  11. Don't shoot him in the foot.

    At least he didn't throw you in the lake to get rid of you, right?


    No man (in this case boy) is worth your tears and the one who is, won't make you cry.

  12. sometimes crying helps everything, and eventually you will fall asleep. or talk to him and straighten things up.


    i hope you feel bettter


  13. umm wow i have tottaly felt this way before

    i think ur just so tired your getting like bipolar lol


    just acting like it

    i would try to relax and like maybe read a book or draw a picture

    A glass of water idk

    let me know how things went cuz i kinda replyed late!!

  14. Trust me, he will forgive you! Just try to forget about it. You are doing the best you can. You know that most likely things are going to work out, so just tell him how you feel about what you over reacted to and he will forgive you! Trust me on this okay. So, you can feel sad, I am not saying you can't be sad, but try not to think about it okay, things will work out in the longrun. And, if you really like this guy and he really likes you to, then you should know for a fact that you will get back together.

  15. well wat always works 4 me is to heat up some milk and read a good book or wat u could do is try to get some sleep i know u sayd that u keep crying so just cry untill u can't anymore or just watch some tv or  go on the computer, and cool down  hope this helps you

  16. to get yourself to sleep,

    like put lavender oil on your pillow or something,

    when my uncle died i did that and

    i fell asleep even before my eyes became puffy of crying.

    Or ask to babysit more hours

    so you dont have all that time on your hands to think...

  17. Call your boyfriend and work things out then maybe you can sleep or you count form 100 backwards (it only works for some ppl) or you can some comedy movies to make you feel happy and then just take some rest without sleeping and you will go to sleep

  18. Watch "Sabrina"~that's a REALLY GOOD movie.

    But watch the newer version [i think it's 10 yrs. old now or something]

    Anyways its very cheery, dreamy, and MUCH more!!


  19. crying is healthy and it will help you get over whatever you need to get over.

    don't kill your self no boy or girl  is worth it.

    try to get some sleep try taking deep breaths that helps.

    if you cant sleep go make something to eat thats always fun try not to wake anyone up though.

  20. You're depressed. Go see a psychologist. I had been in the same situation like you, until I started to have my therapy. It's just talking with the psychologist. Nothing more. And it really helps!

    Take care!

  21. just get it all out of your system get a pen and paper and just write down everything that pened and what you think about it and what ever solutions to the problem and what ever else is buzzing around in your head....if you find a way to express yourself  then it deals with the problem, if you just sit there and feel bad for yourself it just gets worse ,misery breeds misery

  22. just let it all out and eat some chocolate and know that you will do this many more times in your life until you get stuck with one that really irritates the heck out of you and you wish he would get a hobby that gets him out of the house more.

  23. Work it out with him it is the only way to stop you from crying and it will deffintly help you sleep


    -laura {{MCRmy}}

  24. going to see a psychologist may be unnecessary, try spilling to a friend what you think may be why your so upset, maybe your friend who knows you better than I do and hopefully they will have some good suggestions,

    I hope you feel better soon

  25. you should talk to him and try to work things out with him and also you should drink some chammomile tea or however you spell it its really soothing and relaxing and it helps a lot during these time

    also i would suggest taking a bubble bath that always helps me relax and helps me sleep

    this is what i do

    take a nice hot bubble bath drink a cup of tea maybe watch some tv for a while and its off to bed

    hope this helps

    good luck

  26. Call your boyfriend and work things out then maybe you can sleep

  27. go outside look at the stars and just breath

    try to eat something

    like fruit or just drink some water

    watch some T.V. and movie and you should fall alseep

    or listen to some music

    it will be fine i have done it lots of times

    if you have some ben & jerry (icecream) that works too :D

  28. that was a lame answer to my question, not appreciated.

    in regards to your question.


  29. When I cant sleep I usually want something to eat, but in your case you could try doing some work around your home. Cleaning always makes me tired. Or exercise, look up some exercises online. A good work out will tire anyone out.

    If you were to watch a movie you may just start thinking more of your situation.

    hmm or just stay here and help me find a solution to my question, lol

  30. Meh I'm sorry!!! D:

    It's 3:30 here, I have insomnia and almost never sleep.

    Best not eat, it'll keep ya' up. so either:

    Eat, stay up, grab a monster or soda or something and wait.


    Close your eyes and make up a sweet happy story and what not. That's what I do when I MUST sleep. Think about the new Twilight book and what you think will happen. Try picturing it.

  31. You should get over him! I mean, I've gotten over guys that I messed things up with. Good luck!

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