
Im too shy to see a doctor but one of my testicles is acheing all the time recently, why?

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Im too shy to see a doctor but one of my testicles is acheing all the time recently, why?




  1. being shy won't solve your problems. get over it and go in. i promise you have nothing that they haven't seen before :)

  2. my 14yr old son just had the same symptoms, took him to the Dr and he got bloodwork, it's called a hydrocell, it's common on the left teste, and is nothing to worry about, but, to watch.

    YOU need to go to the Dr's, my friends dad is dying right now of Prostrate Cancer, he waited too long.

    Good luck

  3. Stop being shy. go to ya doctor. you can have nut cancer for all you know. dont let this get worse. get it checked out. be like wuts his name...lance armstrong. get it checked out, if its cancer, he'll treat it, n ur good

    dont let it worsen. u might end up losein ya nads. get it checked.

  4. It might be swollen or infected. You should definitely have it looked at.


  6. you really might have to suck it up and see a could be something really bad! that was happining to my husband right when he got back from boot camp. There wasnt anything wrong with him except that he hasnt "relieved" himself in months and it was all building up. You never know what it could be...good luck!

  7. What's worse? Being embarrassed for a bit in front of a doc that, by the way, deals with things like this on a daily basis, or losing your t******e? Get it checked out, your kids may be happy that you did some day!

  8. did u bang or something?

    maybe its too full...if u decreased ur masturbating from what u normally do it can cause that to.

  9. i couldnt tell you why but u should just wait another day and if it still sore just go to the doctors.. if its embarising just get over it..

  10. There's no reaso nto be shy around a doctor.  They're not going to point and laugh, or sexaully assult you or anything; they're getting paid to help you.  Go see a doctor!

    But, if you still refuse, there's a few things that could have happened.  If you recently got hit (or kicked, haha), one of the 'boys' could hurt for up to two weeks after that.  If it's been hurting longer then that, you might want to get screened for testicular cancer, whixh is a very serious thing.

    In any situation, go see a doctor!

  11. You have good advice here see your doctor. It could be cancer STD  

  12. I dont really know for sure. But I would just go to the doctor.

  13. not trying to be rude or anything but have you been masterbating more then normally, if so then its just wear and tear...they will start to feel better...if you havent been masterbating it may be that you need to....feel your testicles for knots or bumps, if you find any you NEED to see a doc

  14. Stop being modest ya nut (no pun intended).  Get your marbles checked out or you'll always regret it.  

  15. Ok, there are many reasons why you could have aching testicles, and each and every one of them means you should see a doctor.  As one of the other responses indicated, cancer is one of the things that could be causing you pain.  Some of the other things it could be: a hernia, epididymitis (an inflammation of one of the tubes that is bundled in the t******e), an injury (like being kicked), infection, a sexually transmitted disease or a collection of fluid.

    Now that you know what it could be, you also need to know that ignoring the pain and not going to the doctor could mean that you end up getting sicker and/or end up having fertility issues.

    Doctors see the male p***s on a regular basis.  Don't let something that could be really serious get out of hand because you were unwilling to have a routine physical examination.


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