
Im torn about school i need help with this decison?

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ok so im a freshman this year but im gettin really sick its olny been a year and its already somthing i cant shake,my mom and doctor is pushing me to to online school but i dont wanna miss out on my four year experince and every one keeps telling me that its my decison but it is a very hard one and i cant do it by myself i need some insight one what options there are out there for me and if i should just do online school and get back in next year




  1. stay in school trust me home school sucks

  2. Okay so i haven't been to school for a year. I stayed at home for homeschooling and i can tell you right now, it sucked. I had to be off for medical reasons. The positive is that i didn't have to go through school everyday, but that was about it. I missed all the social side, seeing all my friends, i didn't keep in contact with them an awful lot, its been a lonely year. Also i was kinda behind on work and had alot to catch up on despite the fact i was doing it at home, there are alot of distractions which put you off you work. Generally going to school is a better choice, for me anyway, im not trying to persuade you just saying, if you want a easy life then school, think about your future rather than your happyness, it is your life at the end of the day and it will be worth it. Don't miss any! And also sometimes home/online school doesnt work out how you plan as i found out!

  3. If you are going to focus on what you think you will be missing out on, then consider what you'll be missing out on if you do go to school: flexible scheduling (especially important when we're sick), more time to do what you want, ability to go your own pace, chance to wear what you want and not feel judged about it, no stress about homework in the evenings...

    The options available will depend on where you live. And yes, you should be able to do online public school and go back next year if you are doing better.

    For the long run, think about what is BEST for you and not just about what makes you happy. A lot of adult lives are messed up because they haven't learned this lesson of doing what's best for themselves.

  4. When it comes down to a child's health, and well being the choice would be simple, as parents that decision would be ours to make.

    In such a case I would not give the child/young person an option, we would not only follow the doctors orders, but also home school them until they were ready to go back to school, no matter how long that may take.

  5. If your mom and Dr are suggesting you home school then you must be pretty bad off. They are thinking of whats best for you so that you have time to heal. Our bodies can only take so much before they will give out. You need to not push yourself into going to the public school just because its your last 4 years instead you need to learn to live life one day at a time while planning the future, You can't change yesterday, you can't truly plan tomorrow, but you can control whats happening right this minute. Don't worry about the whole 4 year experience think about whats best for you today. You sick you should be at home in your pajamas and getting your education through home school. Your mom may be able to get you a teacher from the public school system because of your situation. They come to our homes here if you can't go out. Call the school board and let them know what is going on and ask them what programs are available in your situation. This way you don't have to be pulled out of the school system, you'll be home schooling but the school will still be in charge of your education if that's how you want it. But remember there is a vast world out there and so many better programs on-line and through home school curriculum.

    I hope you will get better soon and you can go back next year. If you try the home school thing for a year while you recuperate you may find out down the road that it was the best of the four years and not the worst. Good Luck!!!

  6. well put it this way which is more important to you in the sense of having the four year experience or not. I personally chose to graduate in three years instead of four not exactly where your coming from but I chose to cut off one year of the experience which is kinda the same. The way I looked on missing this year is the fact that I will have plenty of other experiences to look forward to in the future. I think anyone will agree as long as you get your education it doesn't matter which you choose, so the choice really comes down to" do I want to go to high school(for that high school experience) or learn online(which could allow you to focus more on those future experiences)? " but all in all it up to you, besides who will tell you otherwise?

  7. I was just put in that situation in October. I decided that doing public school through a local high school that only does "home study" teaching was my best option. It is similar to online teaching. You should do online schooling because maybe by staying at you school right now, you are preventing yourself from getting better. Plus with online schooling, you can go to sleep and wake up when you want. If you don't feel well, go lay down, with no questions asked. Do your work at a time when you feel at your best. Also, once you ARE feeling better, you can just transfer back into your other school. Good luck!

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