
Im torn on what I should do....???

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I've got to decide in the next few weeks if I want to go back to work or become a stay at home mom. Im an Assistant Manager in Retail, I've been there for 4 years and I love it. But our issue is babysitters. Grandma works and I refuse daycare. My husband works very long hours during the spring-fall.

I love the idea of being with my kids everyday, but this is the first job I truely love. What would you do?




  1. I quit my job.  I didn't mind it, but didn't love it, but the fact staring me in the face was this:  did I want to work to pay someone else to raise my baby every day?  In the end the $1000 I would have made a month plus hubby's income just wasn't worth it, so I quit and stayed home.  It was the best choice I ever made!!!  I get to see my baby every day and watch her grow and learn and see just how she is doing and I don't fear about leaving her with a stranger.  I also know she is well cared for and well fed and not neglected.

  2. Such a tough decision! Why not go back part time? You love it don't you? And why no daycare? I have a fear of daycare too. Luckily my mom watches my 2 children. But! If I had to do daycare, we have some here in Houston that have live feed via the Internet, just log on and check up on your baby from work!

  3. just wondering whats wrong with daycare? i was nervous about it at first, but now i love it. its a really good oppertunity for my babies. there are really nice ones, it gives ur kids time to interact with other children and learn new things from new people that u may not have thought to teach them. i tought my daughter how to count starting at 14 months and some songs, and now she comes home and sings 5+ different songs. its like having her be prepared for school or even be ahead of the kids she will be entering school with. if those are ur only options i gues, u should stay at home with the kids, it would be fun, but ud make less money and ull probably miss working.

  4. children need to be with their mothers.  it is for the best (for both of you).  maybe you could work part time?  i am happy that you refuse daycare because it's no place for a baby or child.  stay home with your baby.

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