
Im traveling to mexico next month do i need a passaport?

by Guest34353  |  earlier

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I am only a citizen of the united states and would like to know if i need to get a passaport to travel to mexico. please advise thanks to all in advance..




  1. Traveling by plane, be prepared with a passport...traveling by land, picture id would be acceptable....but passports are the best form of id and well worth the time and trouble.

  2. If you are a citizen of the USA and have a US passport than you should be able to travel. When you became a citizen didn't you get a passport? That is all you need. If you are wondering if you need a mexican passport than no. Only a US citizen passport and tickets. Are you going by plane?

  3. you don't need one to get into Mexico, but if you are planning in comming back to the states, you'll need one.

  4. Yes, you need a passport to get back  into the USA.

  5. You don't need one if you are traveling by car, train or boat until 2008...thats for Mexico or Canada....if you are traveling by plane you do need one.

  6. Yes. No , if ands or buts. You need a passport....

  7. Yes, you need to show proof of a passport. But, right now until September all you need to show is the paperwork that your Passport is being processed. Do NOT delay. Get one today.

  8. Yes. Everybody needs a passport to enter US if you are flying.

    Also they are telling me that although the law says they will deny entrance to people without passports if entering by land, in some borders they are not allowing transit right now.

    Bring passport and visa.

    Welcome back!!

  9. yes, you now need a passport if you are flying to Mexico.

    Do you have a passport yet?, because it will take aroun 10-12 weeks to get one, and that's not in 1 month, more like, more then 2 months.

  10. You have until Sept. '07 in which you can show Birth Certificate and Drivers License to go to Mexico.  If you go and apply for a passport, they take your Birth certificate and the only thing you have to show is that stamped paper that you have applied and of course a picture I.D.  After Sept.07 you must have a passport to fly.

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