
Im tryin out 4 QB and it my first season, any tips on to starting?

by  |  earlier

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Im been training 4 2 years and know im betr than the current 1 i got size, speed, strenght, throw power, and throw accuracy over him all i need is experience. Any tips tp prove to the coach i should start




  1. If you have all those good qualities and far above his talents, then show your coach on the practice field. However, experience is a pretty big part in football. Not only are you under constant pressure, you're the quarterback which plays a HUGE part on the success of the team. Just show your coach you can play well, follow your reads, throw the ball, and you should be fine. If it is your first time playing though, your training may go out the window if you're inexperienced. The QB position can be quite frightening. I played a year of QB and the first play, I got blitzed and sacked by two defensive tackles. Wasn't pretty.  

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