
Im trying to add an HTML onto my group but its not showing up?

by  |  earlier

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I have a calendar from a different site that im wanting to put on my group home page but when i put the HTML in it just shows up as the code not the calendar. Does anyone know how to help me?




  1. I know they only allow certain HTML codes on a Group's home page.  Unfortunately, they don't have a list of what's allowed (or what isn't) on a Group's home page, but you might want to check my Source link here.  It lists the HTML codes that are allowed in Group messages.  If there's any codes in the HTML for your calendar that aren't in that list, chances are they aren't allowed on a Group's home page either.

    And I just thought of something else while reviewing your question.  You might need to put <HTML> at the beginning of the code for your calendar, and </HTML> at the end of the code.

  2. Uhm I think you put the link inside of this format

    <a link="">

    and then put the link inside the quotation marks.Try it. If it doesnt work, then I'm sorry.

    Wait. Is it a picture??

    if it is, do this

    <href=""> and put the html in there. Once again sorry if that doesnt work.

    Last resort, google it???

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