
Im trying to catch a cottontail rabbit. what should i put in the trap as food to try to catch it.?

by Guest10891  |  earlier

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do they eat corn starch? thats what i have in there right now.




  1. Throw a towel on it and wrap it up.  That is how I've caught two.  It also calms it down.

  2. No no no.

    Put in some carrots, lettuce, apples ect.

    ...why don't you just buy one?

    Catching one could be dangerous and honestly isn't fair to the rabbit itself.

    It has a home and a family and free places to roam. Why would you take that away?

    lol. sorry for the preaching  x)

  3. Don't catch it if it is wild! I have a family of rabbits in my back yard, they don't eat any of the food that we put out there.

  4. My friend had pet rabbits and everytime in their yard they escaped..and the door of the fence was closed!

    Well he used to get a blanket and when the rabbit pops out he threw the blnket on it so it wouldn't escape.

    I'm not sure about you,but this usualy works for him!

  5. Why are you trying to catch it?

    Do not use lettus is is deadly to rabbits.

  6. leave it alone, cottontail rabbits will die of fright if you keep them indoors around people it is better off outside

  7. It's against the law in all states--rabbits are a hunted species and classified as 'wildlife', you can only keep them if you have a permit from the DNR or are licensed as a wildlife rehabber.

    The fines are pretty significant, you should be checking with your state's DNR office (in the government pages of the phone book).

  8. Wow. Why do you want to catch it? Leave it alone if you want a pet go find a domesticaded rabbit. Lettuce no ice burge, fruits. Def not corn starch. Cant domesticate wild rabbit. Thats just wrong and crule.

  9. Taking a wild animal from the wild & confining it to a cage is not only cruel but illegal. Aside from that rabbits don't do well with stress. Doing something like that will likely kill it.

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