
Im trying to choose a religion?

by  |  earlier

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Please name all the rules for good muslim women. please and thank you.




  1. dress modestly

    lower your gaze when older males are around, as in dont purposely try to get eye contact. avoid any kind of contact with guys that might lead elsewhere.

    follor the fundamentals of islam

    be a good wife/sister/mother/daughter/person in general.

    i guess the rest applies to all muslims. hope islam is for you

  2. well anyways i will teach you all i know .

    first - if you go to Muslim you can't turn to something else or it will be too hard

    second-where i live you must cover you're hair and pray 5 times . but it's okay if you don't want to cover you're hair but not like go in a bikini in front of all men either

    third-no pork no alcohol

    fourth-that you should marry a muslim man in a muslim way ..

    fifth - you must follow all the muslim occasions "ramadan , eid ,,etc " like christmas for christians

    sixth-if you do not know arabic then you should read the curan in english that will help you know everything


    good bye .. chose me for best answer i really need it thx !! and any more help add me and i will help you very well and patiently


  3. sheet.  

    Its however you like as long as you're married.....just no anal and some disagreement about oral.    I'll throw this in...its actually a sin if the man quits before the woman is pleasured.....he's gotta keep going...can't roll over and go to bed (it works both ways, but we know who usually finishes first).

  4. Religion is not something you have to do it by choice... the truth is always truth... are you looking to join a religion for your personal desires or for something different than what you presently worship?

    Islam is a complete way of life for yr information, and if you are really thinking about it..then start to learn about it.... good source to start would be ...

    feel free to ask anything :)

  5. Listing either the do's and don'ts of islam would be a very long process.. because Allah(swt) has given us a guide we should live by.. sister i think it would be better for u if u ask an imam/scholar or visit a masjid(mosque) and get information, that way u can get all ur questions answered and know for sure u have gotten a right answer.

    Hope u find what u r looking for

    Best Of Luck!!

  6. First of all I'm really happy u want to personally  learn about all the religions before you take the decision. I woul like to start by saying that when people portray the religion of Islam as a very strict religion for women is very wrong. We have some restrictions like

    1) Head cover, face cover is personal choice that is if u think u r very pretty.....n plz note its for protection sake only


    3) true faith

    4) Practice that includes 5 times prayer and fasting etc

    Otherwise if we follow these rules and refrain from bad stuffs.....

    n we vl feel more pure...n its all for our good only....

    m yeah otherwsie women can work and study.

    N.B Prophet Muhammad's (P.B.U.H) first wife was a great business women.

  7. Doesn't show off for boys (doesn't show off at all)

    Dresses modestly

    Wears hijab

    Prays to Allah

    Fasts like a normal Muslim.

  8. ...Im trying to choose a religion?

    Got nottin' better to do, heh..

  9. Five Pillars of Islam:

    - Bear witness that there is no god save Allah and that Mohammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah

    - Pray five times a day (dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, night)

    - Fast from dawn to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan

    - Give zakat once a year, if able (obligatory charity)

    - Perform hajj at least once in a lifetime, if able

    Six Fundamentals of Faith in Islam:

    - Belief in the Oneness of Allah

    - Belief in the existence of angels

    - Belief in all the revealed books

    - Belief in all the messengers of Allah

    - Belief in the day of resurrection

    - Belief in qadar (destiny/faith be if good or bad)

    Good luck in your search of the straight path!

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