
Im trying to decid on a army to run for warhammer fantasy what would you recomend?

by Guest61003  |  earlier

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im a 40K player myself and know all the insides and outs of all the races i own 2 3,000 point chaos armys a 2,500 point tyranid army and a 1,000 point eldar army and know i want to play fantasy as well but dont know what race to run. But i do know that i dont want to be the good guys what would you recomend?




  1. Define "good guys"!

    However, you really have three main choices, depending on what your priorities are.

    If you're relatively new to Warhammer Fantasy Battle and want an army that's easy to handle but forgiving of a new player's mistakes to still deliver a mighty hit, then I recommend a Chaos Hordes army.  Go for a Tzeentch theme with lots of magic, plus large blocks of warriors.  Some fast cavalry in the form of Chaos Hounds or Marauder horsemen is essential to stop the enemy focussing on your magic users.

    If you've already got a strong handle on the rules and tactics, then the Vampire Counts are a supremely poweful army if finely tuned with the right combination of characters, heroes and magic items.  Again: don't forget the Dire Wolves.  Fast cavalry is key to any WFB strategy.

    If, on the other hand, what you want is the best looking army on the table, then your only possible choice is the new Dark Elves, due for release in the next two months.  The miniatures I've seen so far are just gorgeous and even the old miniatures are wonderful - especially the Corsairs.

  2. Well, the easy choice would be Chaos, you could use deamons in both games...

  3. Well, which play style suits you best?  The three armies you play in 40k all have differing tactics.

    Chaos: Solid and elite army, very flexible

    Eldar: Fast, good shooting, very specialized

    Tyranid: Great for melee, horde tactics, killer HQ units

    My recommendations for the Warhammer Fantasy equivalent would be:

    Chaos Warriors: Solid and elite

    Dark Elves: Fast, good shooting, specialized

    Vampire Counts: Horde, causes fear, killer HQ units

    All are "bad guys".  The dark elf army book and some new miniatures just came out, and they just redid the army book and some miniatures for the Vampire Counts as well.

    Have fun!

  4. Go for power.  Power always wins.  Unless it is a battle of wits.  Then power is worthless.

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