
Im trying to find a chart showing how much we would get for a DITY move can any1 help??

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I'm trying to find a chart showing how much we would get paid if we did a DITY move from Ft Drum NY to Ft Carson CO. I know it is 2,000 for the Uhaul and I want to know how much we should make so I know we can afford the Uhaul and still have a little bit of money. Can anyone help??




  1. I'm with THEAmericanPatriot  on this one - it's not like they're going to charge you a fee to talk to you - and in most cases before you are allowed to do a DITY you have to attend a briefing with them anyway....

  2. For a DITY move, you will get back what it would have cost the government to make the move.  There is no chart as there are too many factors, but go to the link below for a "DITY calculator" that can be used to figure out a rough estimate of how much you will get back.

  3. Have you checked with your house hold goods office or your pay office?  Why ask a bunch of yahoos when the professionals with the REAL answers are just down the street?

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