
Im trying to get cut while still building muscle.. am i doing it right????

by  |  earlier

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im 5'10 and weigh 165, 5 times a week- i have been swimming for about 10 minutes in the morning then hitting the weights for about 30-40 minutes then jogging for another 30 minutes. i have been eating healthy (no junk food). stuff like subway.

im trying to get ripped abs and a more defined chest

is my routine correct? does anyone have any advice




  1. Body builders get cut by eating less and exercising like they would if they were eating 3000 calories. Most of those guys are taking steroids though and can handle 3000 calories. The rest of men your age to lose the fat and get cut would have to eat about 1700 calories. I like your workout routine though. I wouldn't change that. Best of everything to you.

  2. defiently.. u are doing your end of the deal.. just make sure u are lifting heavy enough weight to stay strong, and still have muscle mass..

    Don't over do the cardio.. u could get too slim..

    make sure u take your supplments like whey protein, and glutamine.. that is the most important amino acid.. and it prevents u from getting burnt out... it helps your immune system as well

  3. Stick to swimming only for cardio.

    Try weight training for a minimum of an hour 3 days a week, then 8weeks later, up it to 4 days a week then 8 weeks later up it again to 5days a week. Leave weekends for resting. After 40 weeks, rest for one whole week.

    Continue taking protein shakes/supplements/foods.

    You need to gradually increase your weights every 3 weeks. You need to concentrate on many muscles around your preferred area to get best result.

    Eg: Bench press, pec deck, Barbell behind head shoulder press works all shoulder muscles (front n back), triceps n bicep curls to give your arms a good look as abs with scrawny arms look c**p. Then use weights while doing situps and push yourself to the maximum TWICE, then leg-ups to work lower abs. You wanna rip sooner, isolate your muscles and work each of them as hard as possible and spend yonks in the gym.


  4. Greetings it is an accepted fact that fad diets are 95% certain to fail. I say that you mosey on down to its an amazing site with great free, sound advice. I lost 8 pounds in three weeks by using their methods  

  5. I've been helping out friends workout for years and heres what you gotta do. Dont be so worried bout "eating healthy" you dont have a weight problem when ur 5'10 and 165. You dont need to loose weight, you need to put on weight if u wanna build muscle. Drink a protein shake before, during and after u workout. Get Whey first and then move up into better stuff. Whey will build up ur muscles so you gain more mass. Now as to weighs, do alot of bench pressing all grips and most importantly dont ignore ur back. If you work out ur chest too much and neglect ur back muscles, you'll have back problems, I learned this the hard way after benching for years without doing my back. Sure I was able to bench 330 pounds but my back was garbage and i had problems with it. As to ur  ABs, dont focus on them as much. They're the easiest to get, if you wanted to you could get a 6 pack in 4 5 weeks. So basically... eat alot of protein, and i mean ALOT. stick to eating about 3 - 3.5 thousand calories a day cus you'll be loosing alot of weight working out 5 times a week. especially swimming. swimming wont get your muscles big, it'll define them.  

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