
Im trying to own my own zoo or at least work at one. How do i get started?

by  |  earlier

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I want to go to collage and everything like that but i get so confused when it comes to trying to figure out what class i should take first, how to get grants and loans for something like that, or what collage i would beable to attend or if its even too late for me to go for something like this...or even how long will it take once i get started to work at a zoo? any info would help alot. thanks




  1. i also would love to own or work in a zoo. TAke managing classes and ofcourse biology, preferably zoology.All you can do to know for sure is call up a community college and ask to talk to a counslor, or a highshcool counslor, you tell them exactly what you want to do, and they'll know what classes you should take. Grants will come later, just take things one step at a time. Best of luck!

  2. Try going to a job finder site and then teling them the kind of job you want

  3. search on line

  4. According to my personal experience, I have learnt that almost everything is possible if you tell your self that your going to do something.

    Work hard, never slack off and you will get what you want fast.

    Tell your self in your mind what your going to do each day when you wake up, and do it, also having a lot to do helps you work harder and faster, having little to do will get you nowhere and you will end up sitting infornt of the tv watching your favourite soap and you will get an email saying that you have $0 in your bank.

    The web is amazing, search google until you find the right info to start work in a zoo. I would first work in the zoo, and get experience, and only then start work on your own one.

    I'm sure you can do it!

  5. Well first you want to learn about all the different animals, their habitats, their diet, etc. I looked on google for you and here is a good college:

    I hope this helps! Good luck with your dream!

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