
Im turning 15 and im having a huge sleepover as a party.. any suggestions of fun games or things to do?

by  |  earlier

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we're going to be sleeping outside in a moon bounce, theres like 8 or 9 girls coming. please dont suggest make overs or stuff like that, and i already know about games like "light as a feather, stiff as a board" and an ouija board.. any suggestions?




  1. its always fun to have someone deflate the moon bounce a little while others are still in there and turn it back on before all the air goes out.... i know you know of like make overs but i like to do other peoples make up in the dark and then turn on the light and see how good i did... or Marco polo in the moon bounce would be fun (LOL) and i guess also a would you rather game, or have you ever, and strip flash light tag out side

  2. Wii is always fun for a group of people.  Board games, perhaps?  Also, card games, TV, popcorn fight, or go egg someones home.

  3. get a lot of alcohol and have a drunken raunchy wild helluva good while doing debauchery

  4. what the heck is a moon bounce? Maybe you could play the thong game where everyone gets into there thong and sings a song. jk lol how bout spin the bottle lol jk again. When I was younger I used to play Piggly-Wiggly ......One person steps out of the room for two minutes while everyone else gets under blankets and into sleeping bags (preferably not their own).

    After two minutes are up, the person comes back in and gently taps each sleeping bag and asks the occupant to say something.

    The person replies in their strangest voice "piggly-wiggly" or "oink-oink" and the "it" person tries to identify who it is.

    If they guess right, the person comes out. If not, the person replies "no", and "it" moves to the next sleeping bag and repeats the process.

    Once "it" has gone round everyone, he/she starts again and the last person left inside their sleeping bag or blanket wins.

  5. if you're a goofy type of person, you can prank-phonecall people. Or, you can play truth or dare,tell scary stories,or you can talk about boys/school.

  6. Maybe you guys can go to Laser Tag before. Or, if you have a PS2, bring on the SingStar/DDR!

    Oh, happy early birthday, by the way. O:

  7. 15? Time to get a hold of that vodka and lemonade. Buy a 6 pack of smirnoff and call it a night! I'm not saying become an alcoholic, or party every night.

    But have some fun! Your only young once. Rent some DVD's, take out the camera and vide camera and record the night. =] It'll be fun. Then maybe invite some boys over if your comfortable.

    Have fun, party, be safe. =]

  8. Apple to Apple card game is a awsome game with that many people.  It sound g*y, but it is a lot better than what it sounds.

    You can find it at Wal Mart or Toy R Us as a big red square box.

  9. fap fap fap fap fap............

  10. um....

    Cotton ball?



    1) big bowl

    2) bag of cotton balls

    3) small spoon

    4) blind fold

    what to do


    each person is blind folded and you take turns scooping out cotton balls.

    how to win


    whoever scoops out the most cotton balls in 10 seconds wins!!!!

    Flash light tag

    what you need


    a flashlight

    how to play


    the person that is "it" has a flashlight and they count to 50.

    While they are counting everyone hides like in hide and seek.

    then the person thats it goes around with the flashlight on and try to shine the light on a person.

    Tip: make shure its dark outside!!!!

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