
Im type 1 any advice? ?

by Guest56847  |  earlier

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before you jump in there an give me the basics, i know them. i know what i need to do to take care of my diabetes. its just a matter of being able to remember to do it. i was diagnosed with type 1 ten years ago. my blood sugars have always been out of control. i rarely keep up with a log book and sometimes i forget to take my shots. i have another medical condition which impairs my memory and ability to properly do the blood sugar and carb calculations. some days i cant even think clearly enough to figure out the equation let adoes alone solve it. does anyone have any advice for remembering to test and take shots and write stuff down? im on lantus and novolog. i always remember to take my lantus but when i eat i forget to take my novolog and i am not on a set schedule due to my other health problems so setting an alarm or reminder on my phone or watch wont help. please help. i am desperate at this point. i prefer answers from people with or with knowledge specifically about type 1 not type 2 diabetes. thanks





    i have had type 1 diabetes for 40 years!!!!!!!!

    the top tip i can give you is that you will never have good control . generally you can only get good control 30% of the time( they have just done a recent study on it)

    most of my life all the local diabetic center did was chastise me for bad control. when in actual fact its not always been my fault. If you ever need any advice then email me, its always good to know another type 1, most of the ones i know dont even bother trying to manage it. basically it shouldnt rule your life but you should treat your body with respect!!  Hale Berry is a type 1 & she does ok. check out more USA sites on the subject as the have put alot of money into research.

    you need to write a dairy, you have to get a vague routine going, always carry your insulin on your person or put it in your purse, so if your paying for food then you'll spot it. ask friends/family to remind you, get others to pitch in.

    sometimes even with other health problems we dont want to be diabetic so watching the diabetes is a pain, ask for help.

    your Dr or centre must kno there is problems doing the blood test, if its the fingers you have a problem with then in the USA they have 1 that you can do in your arm or leg.

  2. perhaps talk to your doctor about getting an insulin pump.  It's hard to forget to take shots when the pump is always there!  The pump also does almost all your math for you so no need to remember carb to insulin ratios.

  3. you can post several reminders or schedules in places that you usually go to (e.g. in front of the mirror, refrigerator)..u can also acquire an assistance from someone, mayit be a relative or a community health not an a nurse however..hope that helps Godbless

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