
Im unable to get a student bank account. yet im a 2nd year uni student?

by  |  earlier

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is there anything i can do to make me more 'worthy' of opening an account...or is there no hope?




  1. If you're a 2nd yr college student, and banks won't let you open an account, you need to ask them why, and they'll provide you with the info you need (the government requires they disclose the reasons), to find out why.   It could be for several reasons:

    1) you're a victim of identity theft and don't know it

    2) you (or someone that used your SS#) owe a bank/financial institution $$, and they've reported you to Chexsystems

    No matter what it is - you have GOT to take steps now to fix this problem, the longer you let it go, the longer it will take for you to start your life as an adult :-)!

    If you need help, ask your parents or someone you trust, who is GOOD with money, and has credit  - they'll know how to guide you.

  2. Do not get a bank account. Your in a great situation and you do not even know it. I am a financial adviser doing pro bono work for the next 30 days. E-mail me and I will give you some free info

  3. have they given you specific reasons as to why you are not allowed to set up a student account? This will help you to make the neccessary changes or take the neccessary steps to get you "qualified" -- Why do you want a student bank account?

    edit - Go to - you are intitled to 1 free copy of your credit report from each of the reporting bureaus --- Get yours now so you can find out what's on it and why it's supposably bad.

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