
Im using sip-voip for ipod touch and i have a question?

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are there any COMPELTELY free non-trial internet calling services that are compatible with sip-voip? if so what is the website? thanks!!




  1. ooVoo is not open SIP and will not allow registration from iPod SIP-VoIP device.

    There are many SIP-VoIP services that allow BYOD - Bring Your Own Device.

    Almost all SIP services allow Free "In-network" VoIP calling.

    But, to my knowledge, there are no open SIP services (that are not in Beta dev phase) that provide free VoIP to PSTN phone calls. (and this is because the VoIP service has to pay local PSTN exchanges to terminate through their switches.)

    But, if you have friends and family that have SIP devices then you can use "In-Network" SIP-VoIP calling to talk to them for free.

    I use InPhonex and CallCentric. I subscribe to their services using my own Linksys PAP2T user-configurable ATA.  I configure InPhonex on Line-1 and CallCentric on Line-2.  

    Both InPhonex and CallCentric are pay-as-you-go services... no contracts or gimmicks.  In-Network VoIP calling to other subscribers are all free. (find links through my profile).

    With CallCentric, calls to any PSTN phone in USA/Canada/Europe costs only 1.9 cent/min.

    I also use user-configurable SIP soft-phones and Linksys ATA to self subscribe and connect to these SIP-based VoIP services:,, IdeaSIP, SIPphone, Voxalot, SIPbroker, FWD: Free World Dial-Up.

    Any of the above services can be configured into any SIP device you have, including iPod.

  2. Try, instead.

    Best of the lot!

  3. you can try

    are you using the safari browser??

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