
Im wanting to go vegeterian.. but..

by  |  earlier

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i want to be vegetarian but everytime i say i will , i would forget and eat meat.

i hate it how people kill animals just for food =/

any tips and food recipies for vegeterians?

thanks heaps




  1. wow, there have been some really ignorant answers on here. it is stupid how people kill and abuse animals just so they can get fat. when becoming a vegetarian, you should take it slow. gradually cut the meat out of your diet. this will probably take a few weeks. it is really easy once you stop eating meat. i thought it would be really hard, but it actually one of the easiest things i have ever done and the only diet i have ever been able to follow. it feels great that i am making a difference.

    here are some vegetarian tips:

    here are good sites for recipes:

    here is a morning stars website. it shows you all the alternatives they make in case you were worried that you were going to miss one of your meat itoms.

    hope this helps. good luck on becoming a vegetarian. you will be suprised at how easy it really is!!! : )

  2. You could wright it down in a piece of paper and keep it in your pocket.  Or Put a reminder in your room and make it big!

  3. I don't like the idea of killing animals for food either, but I like the idea of chronic, self-inflicted malnutrition even less.

    While it would be nice to not eat animals, human biology requires that we eat animal foods (meat, eggs, fish, etc). An omnivorous diet including meat, fish, fruit and root vegetables is the diet humans ate while we evolved over the last 2.5 million years. Without meat consumption, we would not have evolved the large brains we have today.

    You can try eating meat not raised on factory farms and feed only grass. Feeding cows corn is a waste of energy and food, and it makes the cows sick.

    I have no doubt that the standard American diet - chock full of food fried in unstable vegetable oils, refined starches, processed foods and tons of sugar - is absolutely awful and much worse than most vegetarian diets. But neither is the one we evolved to eat on the grasslands of Africa.

  4. The other two answers (as of this writing) seem to be trying to tell you not to be a vegetarian.  CC, in fact, said he or she was ill all the time on a vegetarian diet.  Perhaps that was not because of the vegetarian diet per se but more likely the way the diet was implemented, and maybe the health problems were from some other source entirely.  The choice is YOURS, but I assure you that my own experience has been excellent; in fact, my overall health and how I feel have improved steadily since I gave up meat six years ago.  

          There are many, many foods available that are meatless, delicious, and nutritious.  Do a little Web searching, and you will discover sources of recipes, information, and inspiration.  I hope the good folks at Answers! won't consider this a violation of rules or guidelines, but I highly recommend Vegetarian Times magazine as a reasonably priced reference and "companion."  Just go to their website at or check out some of the other publications and organizations.

            It is not difficult to eat well on a vegetarian diet, but it is challenging sometimes to avoid animal products in food if you are not diligent.  Some products list "natural flavoring" as an ingredient when that item is actually an animal product.  One example of this is McD's fries, which contain beef extract, according to their own ingredient list on the McDonald's website.   Fear not, though, it can be done.  You might check out some of the meat substitutes that are now widely available in such forms as burgers, "bacon," nuggets, sausages, crumblers (like ground meat but totally meatless), hot dogs, strips, and more.  

            However you decide to pursue your dietary choice, it will help to request that friends and family support you.  Go with confidence and the assurance that going meatless is not a bad thing.  I have not regretted it for one second; nor have I even once been tempted by meat in my six meatless years.  Good luck with it.

    Added information:  Some folks erroneously believe that the various B vitamins and related compounds can be obtained only from meat, but that is simply not so.  Under "Know your source?" I have posted a URL for a reliable source on this topic.  Many foods contain B vitamins.  Yeast products including Vegemite and Marmite and many others are great sources.

  5. be very careful i was vegetarian for 15 years and was very ill all the time.  I began eating meat again about two years ago upon my doctors orders, and i feel 100% better.  If you are eating meat it is because your body may be craving it.  I don't eat meat everyday but when i feel that my body craves it i eat it.  you can only get B vitamins from meat which is essential for brain function.  If you decide to become a vegetarian, speak to your doctor about this first, do a full work up and then repeat it in about 6 months to see if all is ok.  You decide.

  6. This is for C C

    "The American Dietetic Association has said that "appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases." However, poorly planned vegan diets can be deficient in nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids. These deficiencies have potentially serious consequences, including anemia, rickets and cretinism in children, and osteomalacia and hypothyroidism in adults"

  7. Sorry to say but if you were really that passionate you would not just forget. Im glad you want to be a vegetarian and its nice how you say you care about animals but you cannot just forgot because everytime you forget an animal dies.

    Oops sorry if that was harsh :) x

  8. well considering the first book of the Bible says God made animals to be consumed not to over populate and spread disease which would cause a much more painful death for the animal instead, by eating meat you are helping other animals in the future.

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